Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We Live...

We live.
We live with God. for God. by God. and we live ... in God.
He has his fingerpritns on every single of your hair.
He created us.
He created your mom and dad.
He created your mimi and papa.
He created the trees and flowers.
He created the seas and moutnains.
He created the sun, the moon, the starts, the rain, the snow, and the wind.
He created each nation.
He created the earth.
He created other plants.
He created the space and the universe.
He was before EVERYTHING. everything you can possibly imagine.
He is the alpha and omega, beginning and end.
We breathe through the air He made; therefore, we breathe through Him.
We see through the light He made; therefore, we see through Him.
The trees and flowers sway by the wind. The breeze goes through each and every leaves, branches, and stems. They then dance. They just go with the breeze. That's how they praise the Lord. They use everything they have to praise God.
We live through His creations; therefore, we live through Him.
We say He's distant. We say He is not there for us. But the truth is: He IS with us. ALL THE TIME. He was with us before we were even aware of ourselves. He is with us even when we're subconscious-sleeping and dreaming. and He will be with us ever after we disappear into dirt.
The evidence is everywhere: the trees, flowers, wind, sun, moon, stars, seas, mountains, rain, snow, wind, nations, and the universe.
And the rainbow?! That's His PROMISE. It's His COVENANT. and He never breaks it. That's how steadfast, unchanging, unconditionally loving, loyal He is to us.
and all the interactions and emotions we have in ourselves and with every other living and non-living creatures... they are the evidence.
So ... He is there. He is here. He is in every little parts of our lives.

He IS.
and He DOES.
always present tense.

But all the corruption in this world? it's the satan. and our sinful human desire to get what we want for our own selfish sake. We little childish brats just give fits at God because we don't have our barbies or upgraded Iron-Man robot that its mask lights up and talks its quotes.
He LITERALLY could stop everything. but because He loves us so much that He gaves us FREE-WILL. Unfortunately, we tend to abuse the free-will. We use the will He gave us to go against His will. How ludicrous. How heart-breaking to Him.
But honestly, I'm not so sure on that matter. it is really hard with my extremely limited brain and scope of understanding the minds of the divine. So I guess, for me, it's ever unsolvable mystery that I will just have to keep working on.

But all I can say is that:
Feel the LOVE and know the LOVE.
Feel GOD and know GOD.
because GOD IS LOVE.

We live.
We live with God, for God, and by God.
and We live in God.
in God.

Irish Blessing

"Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, Rainbows to follow the clouds, Laughter to kiss your lips, Sunsets to warm your heart, Gentle hugs when spirits sag, Friendships to brighten your being, Beauty for your eyes to see,Confidence for when you doubt, Faith so you can believe, Courage to know yourself, Patience to accept the truth, and Love to complete your life."

-Irish Blessing

It was sent to me by my dear friend Haley Rogers. It is such a beautiful quote. I LOVE it. I can't describe how pleasant it makes me. It is so adorable, cute, beautiful, sincere, light-hearted, gentle, and awesome!!!!

quotes, quotes, and more quotes!

OKAY! I think I am just gonna update my blog once a month. fashionably lazy. okay, just kidding. but I really have been lazy and turned my back on updating my blog. it has been in the most back of my mind. I just got so much going-like 19-page research proposal? heck yeah. but anyway, I got some things to say. but to make the list of the posts of my blog look better, I am going to break it into several and write them! and on this post, I am going to write a few quotes that touched my HEART.

Okay, so I was at midnight oil yesterday morning because my awesome social club DGR meets for a morning devo at midnight oil on every Tuesday! Haha! so i went yesterday, and this awesome devo director (Meghan Connors) shared a scripture with us that I've never read or maybe I've read but didn't get the significance of it. and when she explained how much of an impact that scripture has had on her, it just woke me up. OMGosh. Okay so the scripture is found in PSALM 17:8 - "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings" ... Do you get it? So the explanation Meghan gave was that the apple of your eye is the reflection of your pupils on God's eyes and the reflection of God's pupils on your eyes. which means that God is that close to you, watching you super close. He is in the most intimate distance anyone ever could grasp. Think about it. Dudes, PICTURE it. God's right there in front of you. and you see your pupils in God's eyes. and your eyes have God's pupils!!!!!-not literally, but in terms of reflection. That just makes me feel so secured, safe, protected, and also way more self-aware! You know, we do things we know we should not do because we often forget that God is right there watching us. but when we know that God is so close to us that he sees the apple of his eye in our eyes and we see the apple of our eyes in His eyes, we become more aware of what we think and do. What a sweet, powerful warning! and He hides us in the shadow of His wings? How comforting is that? I mean, the world is corrupted and dirty because of satan trying to make us turn our back against God. but He is there watching us constantly and protecting us in the SHADOW OF HIS WINGS. That is the most awesome, powerful, magificent, securing place ever. ever. and ever. ...... and ever. Haha!

Okay, and the next two are both quoted by this cop in Searcy named David Drennan. First one is this: "I don't want to be known as something I've done on earth. I want to be known as something I've done for God." How humbling is that. We often think about how we will be remember after we physically disappear in this earthly world. and we hope to leave legacy for the most intelligent, rich, pretty, capable of our job. but the thing is, that's not the point. the point in here is what God wants us to do. the ultimate goal of our earthly existence. that should be what we are known for after we go meet Jesus in heaven. that just humbles me so much.
and the second one: "The person no one would stop for is the one you should stop for." that statement just made me so guilty of all the judgments and prejudice I had on other people that are not like me. people who like things I don't. people who behave in a way that I can't quite understand. people who dress the way I would not dress. people who talk the way I would not talk. why did I say they were freaks, creepers, losers, odd balls, and weirdos? I mean, I am not that mean outside. but I secretly, internally weirded them out(?) and drew a line between them and me. and that is not what I should do. I should be the one calling for equality between each individuals with different likes, dislikes, interests, passions, and preferences! but anyway, that was a good inspirational quote to make me realize how much we all need to be reaching out. We don't have hands just to grab chicken biscuits. We don't have mouths just to put the chicken biscuits in, chew, and swallow. We don't have eyes to pick out which chicken biscuit is more delicious. We don't have minds just do desire for some chicken biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have hands to be the helping hands for the outsiders. We have mouths to spread the good news to the outsiders. We have eyes to seek out for the outsiders. and We have minds to have compassion for the outsiders. Yay for the purposes of all parts of our bodies, minds, souls, and lives!

and there was another quote I absolutely ADORED with all my heart. and it is not by Haley Rogers. but it is handed to me by Haley Rogers. and the quote is at home. so I will just update my blog once more! yayyyyyyyy!

Okay, Peace Out.