Friday, September 23, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you and a future".
-Jeremiah 29:11

Friday night, it was.
Curry, I cooked with the curry powder that I brought with me over the pacific.
Friends, I invited.
Pumpkin pie shake, I finally had, and how belly-satiating, it was.
Enjoyable, the night was.
"Soul Surfer", we watched and I shed tears at.
Bethany Hamilton, I have become a fan of.

All the through the movie, I was amazed at how strong she was.
(I mean, the movie was a little bit changed, but still.)
I was just blown away by how positively spirited she was.
and how God stayed with her throughout the process of getting her arm bitten, going back to the water, falling off the board countless times, realizing what she has through the mission trip, and training again to compete, not necessarily to win.

I keep realizing and getting awakened by the environment that others go through.
The struggles that are way harder, tougher, and much more hopeless looking than my own.
Bethany got her arm cut off.
Surfing was her passion. It was all she had. At least she thought so.
But the Lord used her such a great way that she can embrace so many people in pain
and encourage the discouraged.
I am thankful that the Lord keeps revealing His message to me.
He keeps waking me up and telling me to be strong.
He does assuage me 24/7.
but my thirsty soul just can't get enough of it.
but He just keeps revealing His perfect face to me and I am so thankful.

and now I am having the fever for mission trip and camping again.
I just want to pack up and hit the road.
I really do.
Haha. but I shall do what I must at where I am.

but anyway!
so yeah, I finally had PUMPKIN PIE SHAKE.
and it was phenomenal. seriously. no kidding.
I want another one right now just by talking about it. haha