Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring Break

Alrighty. So What To Do on Spring Break!
I can't wait. :)
1. Read 2-3 books: I am not a big reader. so 2 will be enough.
2. Watch a lot of movies
3. Listen to music or write music: even tho I SUCK at it?
4. Take photos: time to really study about photography. haha
5. Work out: just go crazy and lose five pounds. GO!
6. Shopping: going to the mall or ordering online. whatever... MAYBE?
7. Visit River Oaks Village: Can I? I miss those precious old people.
8. Clean: Clean my stuff and sell or donate what I don't need.
But you know, I need to learn to live on my own.
9. Blogging: and creating a Tumblr. It seems COOL!
10. Look for summer jobs: call them and e-mail them?

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