Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love Rules

If Love really could rule it all,
if Love really could conquer all the things
that make you frown rather than smile,
that will be nice.
That will be something God has wanted from us for a Long time...
Why is it that we cry out to God to give us material needs
but we never satisfy the simple rule God requires us to do?

Even if we are aware of need to love,
if we don't take action,
what good is it?
We are now done being aware.
It's time for us to Move. Take Action.
Even though it seems and sounds hard,
if you just start it by a simple desire from the heart to love,
everything gets easier.
The world gets warmer, brighter, and simpler.
and isn't that what we all want?

P.S. : i know the picture has more of a romantic love concept
between a guy and a girl.
But oh well... :)

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