Thursday, February 18, 2010


Greatest feeling of all.
Originated from God from the beginning,
even before the beginning we can ever imagine.
It's everywhere.
It's with God, others, and ourselves.
Makes me smile whenever I think of the word love.

But it is really weird how Love can really sway people around.
It lifts them up so much that it gives people strength to do extraordinary things.
But it also brings them down so much that they just don't feel worthy in anything
and dissociate themselves from this world.
Well, I guess it's not really Love's fault.
It's because that we as humans put the concept of love on wrong things.
We Love this, we Love that.
We Hate this, we Hate that.
So love is just so easily used and easily turned into hate.
Now Love is just like any other words and lost its significance.
How sad.

Maybe we should really think a little deeper
and know how significant certain things are in our lives
and how we need to take a good care of them
and not just abuse them and make them worthless.
Words have such great power that we can make something as heaven or hell.

Love is much greater than we treat it.
Love is much more important than we think of it.
Love is much more pure than we can ever be.
Love is much more Christlike than we can ever imagine.

I am still trying to figure out.
I probably won't figure out and know what love is like God does.
Because God is the PERFECT example of love.
But hopefully he will teach bit by bit everyday.

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