Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No time? Really?

Pew! I have been just so BUSY with school.
I had tests every much everyday this week.
I had so much readings to do and quizzes.
I did not have time to watch anything or do anything as an enjoyment.
I have been going to bed at one or two everyday this week.

So.... I haven't had time to spend with God.
Hmmm... Yeah..
So.. am I EXCUSED?
I mean, I went to the prayer room and prayed for a while and stuff.
So I guess that can be considered as spending time with God.
But I feel like just praying is not enough.
I have to feed myself with God's words when I feed God with my words.
Prayer is absolutely powerful and significant in every areas.
But reading bible and soaking myself up with his love, mercy, and grace is absolute too.
So... even though I make excuses for not reading his word like having no time because of school,
Will that really be excuses to God?
Will he say "Alrighty. You have all the time for the textbooks but not for me.
and the paper books are more important than me. So it's alright you build relationship with the books but not with me"?
Will I ever be excused?
I stay up til two to get done with my homework.
Will I stay up til two to read God's words? Will I?
Isn't it some escape we as humans created to rationalize ourselves?
There's no excuses.
Even if there are, the result won't be different.
So why not quit trying to explain and be excused,
but start making changes?
I'm a blog starter yet.
and I'm not too good at expressing my thoughts out.
Because I still doubt myself.
So I'm probably just kind of babbling.
But hopefully, I will get better. :)
Let's stop making ourselves look okay.
Because if we make choices that are not okay, we are not okay no matter what excuses we make.
We should cry out for God's love and mercy instead of homework and grades.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Lauren and I just recently started blogging too. I more or less randomly came across your blog (we both love kim walker!) and I just want to say that I totally relate...this is great! Thanks for sharing :)
