Saturday, March 20, 2010

Music cures

I always just listened to music but didn't actually play recently. I've been so busy and distracted by homeworks and tests.. (see what college does to you. it makes you a studying robot) but last night, I got frustrated with something that I can just get over by God's love. so I just started play guitar. I tried to make music with the lyrics I made long time ago. I played one way but couldn't play the same way the second time. It always turned out differently somehow. and then I played some Hillsong United and sang like crazy. I think I literally burst out and just sang my heart out. I didn't care if anyone in the house would hear me. I just wanted to let it out. I don't know what IT really is. but anyway. so as I played music, I definitely felt better. I felt refreshed inside of me from just crying my heart out. I felt more calm yet joyful from playing music. It is something you can't really analyze and dissect the reasons and causes of music. It just cure people's heart. It excites them. It makes EVERYTHING better.
Thanks, music.
I don't have a pic of guitar so I just put up one of piano. :)
Peace out.

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