Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer time review

Hola, amigos! I know I haven't updated my blog like forever. That is because: 1)I am butt lazy. 2)I can't stop once I start typing. 3)I do not remember what to write even though I feel as if I have tons to say... haha. I miss my friends back in the states so much.

The summer is closing to an end. I wish I had about two more weeks to see more people I want to see before I leave for another year. Two more weeks to spend more time with my family. All of us have been so busy with stuff that we hardly spend time together except for Sunday nights. Two more weeks to do more of what I want to do when I am here in Asian land. Just two more weeks.. but Time does not come back. It has no mercy. So I've gotta just suck it and move on. Heya!

This summer has been really busy for me. I worked full time about a month in the beginning and then I got stuck at home studying for this stupid Biology online class. So I was trapped til the beginning of August. and I'm trying to do as many things as possible for about half a month I have left. It is kind of wearing me out, you know? I'm always doing something somewhere with someone. I mean, I love moving around. I do not like just staying home and doing nothing. It makes me feel like a lazy, hopeless person. But it does tire me a little bit now. but it is okay. I have less than two weeks left. I will see as many people as possible. I will spend as much time with my family as possible. I will do as many things I want to do as possible. Now, things I want to do? Those are like: going to photography exhibitions, going to some cool places to take photos of, and buying stuff for the new semester, new life, and my friends. :)

Major changes that I've had this summer? I would say my body. I seriously got into workout plan to be more in shape. I lost some weight but gained some back. (Yeah, I'm a weak-willed person. :( ) and I'd been learning swimming from some people I met at the gym. Now I'm better at free stroke. Yay! Oh another major change: a major decision about my life. I still don't know how the decision I made will go. I do not know if it will stay the same or change. I just want to leave it up to God. I do not know what I need to do. I will just open my ears as big as possible and try to listen to what He says to me. Another major change (Yeah, now I think about it, there are some changes!): I let go of something that I'd been trying to fix. I should've known long time ago that I could not fix it. but now I realized it, I let it go and leave it as it flows. Last major change: I met a new friend that I will keep my relationship with for a long time. I feel like she is a true friend. She taught me so many precious life lessons. She is much older than me yet she treats me like a friend at her age. I am thankful to have met her because otherwise, my summer would have been more boring and lonesome.

I am ready to get back to school. I cannot say I want all those hard work again. I do not want to pull all-nighters to do homeworks or study for tests. They sicken me. But I need to do what I've gotta do, right? and I am ready to reunite with my good ole Harding friends. and I am also ready to see some relaxing green Harding campus. I heard sophomore year is the busiest time in college so I do not how more busy I will be than I was in freshman year. but I do hope to make some precious memories with my lovely friends this coming year. This coming year is kind of scary to me. I feel like I have such a short time to do so many things. It is a little overwhelming. but hey, because I realize how short of time I have left, I feel the true importance of time. I will not waste a second.

Okay, that seems enough.
I will write some more when I can.
Peace, Love, and Blessings,

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