Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rainyday Wednesday

Allison, my host sister, came home last night. The house has, ever since, been a little bit more crowded and filled with more talks and laughters. Which is good. :) My host mom is now one happy camper with her favoritest daughter home. Not that she had been depressed and all blue, but I can tell how she is now talking with more excited tone. It is hard to explain but there's just this atmosphere of love that surrounds her. Love for her own child. You know, parents. I've never felt this way. Past three years I have been living in this house, I felt nothing about seeing parents getting excited about their child coming home from a blood-sucking college. But it feels different this time. I feel this surge of wanting to go home. Go home and see my parents. Thanksgivings, Christmases, and other holidays never really made me homesick. (I have been homesick before but not for the holiday reason) But this time, my emotions are going super peculiar. I don't even know how to explain. But anyway, it is good to see Allison! :)

We went to IHOP for breakfast this morning. On the way to ihop, it was raining. I normally get depressed and all grossed out. But today, this rainyday Wednesday, I felt good about rain. Who would've thought I would welcome rain? But this morning, I surely did. I enjoyed the sound of the rain. I enjoyed looking at the window the rain was dripping on. I enjoyed the gloom. I enjoyed the chill. I enjoyed it all. And then I thought, "Maybe I should move to London where it rains and is depressing a lot of time?" Hmmm..


  1. I'm sorry you're homesick friend. :( I'll be praying for you.
    Mmmmm, IHOP. teehee ;) I'm so glad you were able to gladly welcome rain! I go through moods of enjoying it and then other times not so much. Rain can be beautiful and is gift from God just like sunshine. :D I love you and miss you!!!

  2. Haley, I'm all packed up to go to London and actually, I am at your door right now. Come out and let's FLY to London.

    Katie, I miss you and I love you, too!!
