Sunday, February 21, 2010

Conclusion for 2/21's night

I made a conclusion for tonight to wrap up the big inner discussion.
Actually, this conclusion has been said to me before.
It is from God.
He said:
I love you like no other. Please don't go astray.
You may feel insecure and scared,
but I am always with you to protect you.
I am just getting you ready for your ultimate mission
I have planned for you a long time ago.
So don't be in such hurry.
Just follow my schedules and you will be all right.
The world you are in right now is not the end of your journey.
It hasn't even begun, as a matter of fact.
Keep it pure and holy, because I am pure and holy.
Nothing's too complicated if you follow my will.
Keep it simple, because I have already made it simple for you.
He spoke to me when I was in despair.
He picked me up when I was down on the floor breaking down.
He gently embraced when I was cold and lonely.
How stupid of me to forget over and over.
I am sorry.
So that is my conclusion for tonight.
Good night.

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