Monday, June 7, 2010

Date with my dad

I had a good night. I do not think I had as much fun lately as tonight. After my workout, my family went to a riverside. It was early summer so the night breeze was kind of chilly but felt REAL GOOOOOOOD! My mom's knee was hurting so my dad and I went on a walk along the riverside. (Dang, I should've taken a picture! if I had a camera!) He and I walked for about thirty minutes and talked about many, many things. mainly about life and.... stuff. It was such a refreshing time with cool, peaceful river breeze under street lights. I think it was more special than ever because I had a walk with my dad alone and we had a sincere talk. A heartfelt talk. And now, I feel like I understand him more. I don't know. It was weird in a good way. I think tonight was one of the best memories I will bring back to USA. :)

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