Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Second Two-thousand Eleven

Bonjour, mes amis!
Just used google translator to say "hello, my friends!". Yeah, even though I took a month course of French language, I can't even put the most basicest words. It's okay. when I have time and change, I will start over from the alphabets and learn French til I can have little conversations with a French! and maybe I will go to France! Gah, that will be just dreamy. :)

Okay... so while I was reading for Social Psychology, I found this quote by Shakespeare and I really liked it somehow. so I am just going to share this tonight:
"All the world's stage,
And all the men and women merely plays:
They have their exits and their entraces;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
-William Shakespeare

Today was a little bit chilly but very sunny, bright, and pretty! I ran into Katie today and that made me happy. :) She looked good in her sunglasses! and I am excited to have breakfast with her tomorrow. I will miss our little Thursday breakfast trandition!

Today's bible study theme was: Salvation by Grace of God.

Bonne nuit et doux rĂªve!
Good night and sweet dream!

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