Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fresh Start!

Salut! Longtemps Sans Voir!

I know, I know. I'm the most awful, terrible, irregular, irresponsible, distracted blogger! I don't know why I am, though... I guess I got lazy and complacent. I'm sorry.. :(

I thought about deleting the current one and starting one all over. but then I was like, "hey, good blogger or bad blogger, all the posts of my vent and praise are still my life. I can resfresh my mind and get back on the track. But I can't just delete the past that I've been happy and unhappy-mostly down, looking at my posts. So.. I decided to leave all the previous posts and just pick it up from there. I have to admit that there were times that I was just overflowing with joy in the Lord and thanks to Him and times that I was thinking and feeling depressed. But life is full of those. We still move on. We learn from the past, forgive ourselves, ask God for forgiveness for the wrongs we've done, put the past behind, and move on. LIVE FORWARD. I guess what I learned the past few months is that even though life is just full of good and bad poop, we just have to stay focused on the main purpose of everything-GOD-and not lose joy in the Lord. So for the fresh start, I changed the title of my blog. It is now "Attraversiamo". It is an Italian phrase, meaning cross over.

We can't let the past-whether it is happy or unhappy-be the foreshadow of our future. Our future is too precious to just assume and lose the excitement of it. Past, which is also a part of our lives, was past. Present, which is our lives right now, is present. and Future, which is unknown, will be future. We will enjoy every moment of it all. No regrets. Well, maybe a little. Few what if's. But no holding grduges on ourselves as well as others. No putting shackles on ourselves. Just ride along with the life-giver. Hit the shortest road that feels the logest. and Move on. Attraversiamo!

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