Sunday, June 5, 2011

Family is good

I was pretty anxious about being back home with my parents for summer after being away for so long. (not that bad, actually, but this past year felt like forever!) but now I'm home, it IS good to be home.. haha it is good to be with my parents. Even though I have a home in America with a family that thinks of me as part of their family, my biological parents and my mother country will always be there in my heart. and when I am there, the little love for home is triggered. I am feeling good. :)

My aunt and her husband got the position of the elderly in their church. and according to Korean church custom that I didn't even know til today, family of whomever is getting the promotion in the church is expected to be there at the ceremony to support, congratulate, and celebrate. so me and my parents went to the ceremony today. It was 2 hour long and boring. but it is okay because I am supporting my aunt and uncle I love. Being happy for others' fortune, especially family's fortune is super super important.

Tomorrow is the day. the day Hillsong United is having a concert in Korea. I am super excited and can't wait!! haha

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