Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Over the blue ocean, under the blue sky, through the white clouds

(Skyping my parents!)

Yes. Intersession is over. Thankfully. It was tough but rewarding in the end. I ended up with good grades. I am very pleased with it. and I've been super lazy for few days just packing, watching shows, packing some more, and watching some more shows. Haha and the time has come. Tomorrow morning at 7:40, I am flying out of Little Rock to Dallas (or Atlanta, Idk!) and then to Japan. and then home, my sweet home South Korea. the whole flight is about 18-19 hours. Yes, it will be another death of me besides intersession. but I am fully prepared. I got my bottle to keep myself hydrated, toothbrush and toothpaste to keep my breath fresh, eye drop to relieve my dry eyes, vitamins to keep me just going, and lotion to keep my face from drying out and breaking out like CRAZY. Ohhhhh and some medicine for motion sickness. Haha Five years of flying over the pacific ocean back and forth, I have become quite a master at packing and managing myself on board. I did not think I had so much stuff until I started packing my stuff. I have a big container of mostly winter and some summer clothes and "several" containers of just stuff... like.. Idk.. stuff. Ugh. I do not want to unpack all those when I move into dorm.

Okay so here's the review of the past year: it was one tough year. Probably the most challenging, meaningful, rewarding, educational, and the toughest year. Not going to put details. But those who know will know what I am talking about. haha I laughted a lot. I cried a lot. I learned a lot. It was just the time of life where you turn from a teenger to an adult. I mean, I am still a kid, I feel like. but I learned how to be more responsible and to take care of myself on things that no one else help me on. and most of all, I learned so deeply that God loves me so much. I learned about God so much the past year. I felt His work the strongest. I felt Him in such an intriguing way. I still have a long way to go. But I learned more how to surrender.

So this summer, I am helping with my parents' work. just getting phone calls and doing some document works. and I am also interning at their counseling center. Not sure exactly what they will have me to do but it is better than doing nothing, right? At least I will have something to write down on my resume for graduate school! :) and I am reteaching myself Abnormal Psychology all over. also studying some vocabulary that often appear on GRE and english grammer for a better essay. yeah this summer will be just time with my family and time to invest for my future. Getting some experience and studying. I am quite content. haha oh there is something that I want to do this summer: going to a club. Never been to one. I just wanna experience it once in my life! I promise I won't do anything "unchristianly". haha

I am bringing whole bunch of vitamins and chocolate for my family. It's like a care package that I am bringing with me. Because of that, I don't have any money left in my bank account. I was left with five dollars to go over to Korea. but my dear friend Kala Sills gave me 20 bucks to get some snacks and drinks in airport. She is the sweetest girl. I am so blessed to have such friends that love me. hahahahahahahahaaa

Okay, well I need to get to bed in order to wake up at four o'clock! gotta get ready and leave around five to get to the airport. I really don't think I need to leave that early. but the sweet lady, Mrs. Ava, wants to leave early just in case. so we will see... hhahahaaaahahahah I will update when I get home. It will be a blog from the other side of the earth. Isn't that crazy? hahaha technology is great.

Okay, good night.
May the force be with you.
(I don't even like star wars but I just like to say this phrase. haha)

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