Saturday, October 15, 2011

Season of Pumpkin, Chai, Caramel, Cinnamon, and everything Spicy!

Okay, so if you have not heard of Pumpkin Pie Shake or tried it,
You've GOT TO.
Because it is soooooooo delicious!

Yes, Yes. The Season is HERE!
Fall! Autumn! Fall! Autumn!
All the green starts getting bored of their monochrome being and start wearing colors!
Then they get crispy, decide to fall off their branches, and get trampled!
Haha. What a season.
I love everything abou fall.
The color, the smell, the atmophere, the excitement for lower temp., and mostly food.
Foods and drinks of fall are so great.
chai latte thankfully stays available at coffee shops all four seasons.
it is a good reminder of sentimental fall.
but the things that come out in fall only, like "Pumpkin Latte" with a soft touch of "Cinnamon".
I don't even know what to say. haha.
Haha all the food you get to have for thanksgiving dinner?
My family does a huge turkey, homemade noodles, mashed potatoes with phenomenal gravy,
stuffings with and without oysters, corn casserole, cranberry salads, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and only my (host)mom knows what else will be on that wonderful thanksgiving dinner table this year!
One of the reasons I love America: thanksgiving dinner.
So homy, family-oriented, heart-warming feelings with full of smiles and laughter.
And the feeling of being full and happy in the tummy.

Okay, I've talked about food waaaaay too much.
I am a woman. All women, as you should know by now, LOVE food.
One of the wonderful joys in life!
Besides the wonderful God-given food of fall, I also love the change in the outfits.
I personally really like knitwears like sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, and all sorts of things.
(Oh and flannels! It is not knitwear but it's perfect fall outfit!)
Not too bulky for winter but thin enough to feel the cold breeze yet warm enough not to freeze.
YES. you know what kinda outfits I have in my mind, right?
(I am not sure if this is exactly what I had in my mind but it is sorta! haha.
I saw other bloggers put their favorite outfits together like fashion portfolio
so I thought I might try, too!)

And Last but not the least because it is the Most Important,
I love fall because all the changes happening in the works of His hands remind me, once again,
how awesome He is. How wonderfully and fearfully His creation, us human beings, is.
Recently, when I meditate upon those tall trees around the campus and the green grass with the sun shining on them, I feel like I am in the garden of Eden. I know. Lame.
But I start imaging how those trees on campus start showing their buds,branches, leaves, and flowers.
and I start having goose bumps about how He created all those simply with His command with authority. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yeah since I had fall break, I talked to the Lord for about two hours.
Fell asleep in the middle :)
but it was really refreshing and nice to just not worry about time and to be in His word, all relaxed and chilled in the front lawn.  

I was directed to read Psalm 139 through my devotional book.
and this chapter became my new favorite bible scripture.
It is so refreshing, thirst-quenching, soul-satiating, and encouraging.
The expressions used are just so beautiful! :))))

Oh man I am really bad at keeping up with blog so it will take two whole days to write everything that happened ever since my last blog. so I am going go into gestalt mode - here and now!
I am not going to mention what happened in the past but only what is happening "here and now"!

oh oh oh one more thing before I publish this post.
Lately, I've gotten to know some Chinese students at Harding.
At first, I just didn't even think about getting to know them because they were always by themselves and didn't look like they wanted to make friends that were not chinese.
(yeah how stupid of me to think that way. who does not want to broden their social network?)
but yeah I just never gave any thought to them.
but now I've gotten to hung out with them and stuff, I realized that they are so sweeeeeeet!
They just cluster together because they are from their home country and very family-oriented.
One time I went over to one of the chinese students' apartment, me and two other non-chinese friends ate as they cooked for us. but ther rest of them, who are chinsese, waited for hours to get all the cooking done. They are so patient, giving, and loving. They welcome people with their arms held wide.
and I do not know why I never realized that.
and I feel very indifferent and ignorant at the fact that I didn't try to get to know them!
but now I'm thankful that God opened the door for new friendship.
and I want to get to know each of them as an individual soul and their culture.

Okay, that's all.
May His blessings be with you!

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