Sunday, November 20, 2011

TEN thingy's : Food

I am not a fan of too many candy bars and all sorts of sweets. BUT give me dark chocolate and i will devour it. Love the bitterness of it and the tough after-taste. and I personally think that dark chocolate is way more romantic than milk chocolate. Just sayin'.

Oh my goodness. How I am fond of cheese. One of the things that I will not be able to give up. Cheesecake is my favorite kind of cake, also. Have not tried too many kinds yet because they are kind of costly. and my body is not very dairy-friendly so I eat it little but often. and I am thinking about starting on vegan cheese. Let's see how it tastes. (or costs) One day, I want to go on cheese tour in Europe.

Okay. Who does not love ice cream? I can't say I am not the only, unique girl who likes ice cream. But I really do like ice cream A LOT. My favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip, strawberry, and green tea. Oh I kinda want to include frozen yogurt & milk shake in this, too. I don't like my ice cream with whole lot of toppings. but sometimes, I get cravings for banana split with boat-loads of fudge, nuts, and banana chunks!
Because I am not very dairy-friendly, I drink a lot of soy milk. I like the taste way better, too. and I think it is healthier? I mean, I do not know about calcium, but soy milk contains a lot of protein so it fill you up with the good nutrient!
Caffeine does nothing to me. Nothing. It does not keep me awake. It does not make me jumpy or jittery. I can drink it at one o'clock at night and go to bed right away. I've dozed off while holding coffee in my hand. I just love the smell and the taste of coffee. It makes me feel so elegant and classy. I usually drink my coffee black but when I feel like having some smoother coffee, I get soy latte put some cinnamon powder. It is richer yet not as heavy. YUM!
I know. I sound like a person who drinks a lot or only drinks. I do like drinks. but I really like soy milk, coffee, and tea out of all the drinks like sodas, juices, or cocktails! Haha well I drink green tea most of the time because I got bunch for free but I really like jasmine because I can sense the soft floral scent.
Beautiful yellowish organge color, sweet scent, full of fiber, the soft texture after cooking it, and the soft and sweet fireworks in my mouth! YUM! plain steamed, fried, mashed, casserole, or any way of its being cooked, I would like it!
Just like sweet potatoes, I can eat green beans any time in any way of cooking it. I really like all sorts of vegetables but I would have to say green beans are my favorite and all-time-available kind for me. But besides green beans, I really like broccoli, asparagus, and brussels sprouts. Softly crunch, clean after-taste, and energizing feeling after eating it! Gotta love veggies♥
Yes, very inexpensive but really healthy for women!(according to my best friend Haley!) It's perfect for breakfast because it's quick and easy to fix. It does not leave the sweet after-taste on my tongue that makes me want more food, most likely sweets. and It is full of fiber so it cleanses your system and gives you energy. I like it with about half-spoonful of honey and cinnamon powder. I would like it with some berries but as a college student I do not have such money pocket for it. :))
I pretty much like all kinds of fruits but I would have to say strawberry is my favorite. Sweet and sour but leaves a refreshing, clean after-taste! YES. I wish I owned a little strawberry farm. When I get married and settle down, I am actually planning to have a little garden where I can grow my own tomatoes, strawberries, and greenie vegies. Exception will be when I live in an apartment in a big city, which I would actually like. :))
Yes, can you tell I am an Asian? Haha. I love all kinds of seafood. Shrimp, salmon, tuna, catfish, scallop, clam, crab, sushi, sashimi, and even any kinds of rolls! It is so good. It is nutritious and lightweight on your body. It does not set too heavy in your tummy. It rather gets your body going by energizing it. How awesome is that? I know, it is really easy to have the gross, nasty sea scent in your mouth but hey. Isn't having cow blood taste in your mouth just as gross and nasty?

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