Sunday, November 13, 2011

I long for healthy living!

Okay, okay.
I feel like I do pretty good job at being healthy by eating healthy foods at the right time and working out at least 3 days a week. and I feel good being healthy and actually enjoy being healthy. I'd much rather choose healthy food than processed food, junk food, or fast food like hamburgers.

Because I do a good job at being healthy during the week, I give myself a little break to spoil myself by eating unhealthy foods. and I don't think that giving yourself a little break is a bad thing at all. It actually is one of the strategies for more effective dieting. HOWEVER, my problem is that when I give myself a break, I just let myself loose and go insane. It's like I've never seen chocolate before. I drown myself in it. I sinnk in the chocolate spa pool. Yeah, BINGE. that is the problem here. I decide to give myself a break over the weekend. but I binge. and then I feel really loaded up and bloated. and I feel bad in myself.

I wish I had control over myself even when I give it a break. I wish I could just be done with a tiny piece of cake and be perfectly satisfied. I wish I could say no to every offer to dig into some delicious, rich, and moist yet unhealthy foods that just weigh me down.

Now I binged this weekend, I will probably feel really loaded up, bloated, weighed down, and tired - long-term sugar crash, could it be? haha and my body will probably swell because of unexpected amount of unexpected and unwelcomed kind of food in the system.

According to the foot massage my host dad gave me, my liver, stomach, and pancreas are not working perfectly right. I guess I've always known because I've always had problems with my system but I never gave much serious thought to it. but now I feel like I really need to fix myself.

My body is the Lord's temple as well as my soul; therefore, I need to take a good care of it by feeding the right nutrients and moving regularly so it can stay clean and active.

I am so sick and tired of this cycle of eating healthy and binging. Therefore, I am going to set some rules:
1. NO junk food whatsoever. (like candy, candy bars, fried chips, etc)
2. Always think of a healthy alternative: more PROTEIN and FIBER
3. Give yourself a break over weekend but have control of it:
have only ONE kind of LITTLE piece of whatever.
4. Don't accept every offer. It is OKAY to say no.
5. When eating out, HALF the food first. eat one half and take the half out.
6. Listen to your tummy: am I hungry? if not, don't eat anything. It leads to binging.
If you feel bored in your mouth, drink WATER or TEA.
7. EXERCISE at least 3 days a week.
8. Concentrate on the full flavor of the food so the little amount can fully satisfy you.
9. DEEP BREATHE before you go for more food or food with empty calories
10. The purpose is not just to lose some weight. It is TO BE HEALTHY.
Being healthy leads to healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy soul with healthy attitude.

Also, those foods that are processed, fried, greasy, or have lots of sugar mess things up for me like: SKIN, DISGESTIVE SYSTEM, and EMOTIONS.

Let's be a responsible individual and take care of ourselves. It leads to good things. I bet the Lord agrees with me!

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