Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Already ready for break.

Hello, dear friends!
Okay, I admit that I am a terrible, awful, horrific blogger.
I forgot to blog the past week.
and when I am about to blog about all the fun things that happened last week, I realized that I did not take pictures of the memorable memories so I can't give you any visual evidence!

The past week was busy with so many tests and a lot of people asking to interview me for their speech class. I felt honored and wanted to be asked but 4? haha and two more asked me but the time didn't allow it to happen. I just hope their papers passed just fine with some overlaping information I told. (I tried really hard to give different episodes and information!)

Last Saturday, my dear Chinese friend Anson got baptized. It was really amazing to see someone who has no freakin' background knowledge on the Lord and the Bible come to the States, to Harding University and take Bible classes, make Christian friends, and eventually accep Jesus Christ as the Savior and the Lord. I get really emotional, for some reason, whenever I see someone getting baptized. It is like getting re-born! Anson is now going to heaven with us when we go home. I can't wait. It is so exciting and more miraculous than anything that can happen on the earth.

The weather has been really, really nice. It cannot be January. I wore sundress with a thin cardigan yesterday! I felt a bit out of place but the weather was just perfect for it... I like winter, snow, and the refreshing freezing breezy winter weather but I am also liking this weather that allows me to wear whatever i want without worrying to get too cold. :)))

I am kind of embarrassed to say this but in the past three years at Harding, I went to the Bison's basketball game for the first time last Saturday. It was like all-club basketball game so it was really fun with lot of girls I know from my club. DGR is just really cool. hahahahahahahaa. Even though we didn't get the 100 dollars, I am glad the new club got it and the Bisons won the game!

On Monday, my suitemate Katie's dad came to Little Rock for his medical conference all the way from Minnesota. (I know, can you say a capable doctor? running all around the nation for his medical knowledge!) so my whole suite + Kristin (their cousin) + Ben went to LR to see Katie's dad. He generously took us out to Carino's to eat. First time to go eat at the place, I loved it. The bread was great. The mozzarella sticks as an appetizer were great. Italiam cream soda was great. All the chicken pasta platters we ordered was great. It was just really, really good. and then we went bowling. I scored 72? in the first round and then 47? in the second round. Yep.......... My specialization is gutter. and then as I was rolling my ball on the gutter, I was thinking, "gutter is such an ugly, insult-sounding word. You can really offend someone without offending them by saying, "you are such a gutter". anyway, Monday was such a good day with good people and good food. Nice get away from the campus for sure!

Then on Tuesday, it was women's open house. so I cooked curry and brownies for my suite and their friends. I am so glad the food turned out well. As I grew up, I thought I would be a bad mom or wife because of cooking. My mom didn't cook much. She was not too fond of cooking in the first place. and I thought I would be like her. but I actually do like cooking. It is fun in the process. and it is heart-warming to watch people eat my food and getting satisfied. (unless they are lying just to be nice to me. which they might. because I have such nice friends... haha) but anyway, so now I think I will be a good mom and a good wife. Tehe. 

I am already ready for spring break because I think I am going to Kentucky with my suite. My roommie is from Kentucky and her cousins (Kristin and Jordan) is from Kentucky and her another cousin (katie) is coming to Kentucky. and they invited me to their home for spring break! (kind of asked for it, though.) and they said we are gonna go to maple syrup festival there. I am so pumped. and Kentucky is really, really pretty, I hear, so we will do lots of outdoor activities. Ahhhhhhhh. I cannot wait. I am so excited to get out of school and do some fun things that will bring joy to my life. This semester is just dreading forever, I feel like...

Just to throw it out there, I am going to let my hair grow til summer and chop it off. Hopefully donate it to Pantene if it is long enough to donate. but here is the picture of the hairstyle I want:

What do you think?

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