Sunday, February 19, 2012

Life is a box of chocolate!

I stole the quote for the title from my friend Haley Rogers. She says this line from the movie Forest Gump. Never seen it. Since my friend loves that movie and I used a line from it for the title of my blog post, I guess I should watch it! Haha.

So....... my life is fun. It is full of fun things - school work, social events, and most of all, talking to God!! Did not read the Bible every day but I have had some time to actually sit down and dig into the Word and talk to Him. On Valentine's Day, I was thinking to myself, "I actually would like a get some flowers and a box of dark chocolate from a guy, but it's okay! because God, my husband and all in all, has given me so much more than flowers and chocolate!" So I talked to Him for like an hour and that was the most intimate, comforting, soul-feeding, and amazing time spent in a long time. So awesome.

Okay so I'm going to give you picture updates, which means that I am not going into details of every fun little things I did because then this post will be forever. so I am going to describe briefly what I did and let you explore through the pics! Here it goes!

When Hannah, Kala, and I went to Zaza's.

When some DGR girls and I went to LR.
We stopped by Anthropologie. It is kinda like Urban Outfitters. So cute. Adorable.
 Indian Restaurant!

When my suite + Kristin went to LR to go see The Vow.
(The Vow was so sweet. A nice chick flick I would actually buy)

Valentine's Day gift for Haley!

And I made chocolate for my friends!
It was so much fun to make those while imagining their happy faces eating the chocolate.

(Just being creepy on a guy delivering V-day stuff) 

When Haley and I went to Pasta Grill for Valentine's Day.
Waited for forty minutes, but it was totally worth it.
One of the best desserts I ever tasted: Chocolate Spoon Cake

Haley played her songs for us this Sunday.
Mom and Mayu all liked the songs.

Tomorrow is Katie and Kelcey Simpson's birthday. They are twins and real good friends of mine. They are turning 21. I could not mix some margarita for them in Searcy Hall because I am at Harding. So I made dinner: salad, spaghetti, rolls, green beans, and some desserts taken from the caf. It was nice to do something for my dear friends and see them deliciously eat the food I cooked. Love my friends. Thank God for all the awesome friends He brought me.

Anyway, two more weeks and I am going to KENTUCKY for spring break.
Yeah, baby!
I am super excited.

Peace out.

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