Friday, February 19, 2010


I fell in love with blogging...
It's just really fun, and since I don't publicize it, it really is MY blog.
If someone finds this blog randomly, let it be the chance from heaven to make friendship.

I love writing my thoughts out.
It really helps my confusion of things-I think TOO much and get all lost in my thought maze.
I love putting the pictures that relate to my thought or really touch my heart.
Just like the picture of the Effel tower above, I love France for some reason I don't know exactly.
I love the languge. I think it is very beautiful and attractive.
(Of course, a hard language, it is. I'm taking French class next year.)

But anyway,
being able to express myself somewhere I feel free to express,
isn't that real freedom?
Freedom doesn't necessarily mean we have to be released physically without any rules.
Freedom becomes freedom when we free ourselves from the shackles we put on ourselves
and let our wings spread out and reach out to the bigger side of the world.
It doesn't matter if others give me credit for being some cool person.
It really is just about mindset. about heart.
I am not sure if I can say everything, but so many things are actually about HEART.
It is incredible how we can control our minds
and change the world we are in 180 degrees around.
Crazy, huh?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I lost my point again.
But anyway, since God sent his one and only son to this world to forgive our sins,
we are FREE.
and we need to realize that.

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