Saturday, February 20, 2010

Real People

I have been asking this question for a long time:
Who are the Real People?
Where are the Real People?

Honestly, I do not know.
To look at a bright side, everyone is real,
but not everyone realizes that and tries to be someone else.
But when they are not being themselves,
it is very hard to treat them sincerely.

But I feel like I also have to ask myself this question:
Am I being Real?

I don't know why I put so much emphasis on 'being real'.
But it really feels important to me.
Real. All about Heart.
Haha. :)

I would like to Welcome some Real People
who would accept me in Real way.
Since I am a foreigner/alien here in US,
it is not hard at all to find someone who does not accept
or treat me sincerely.
and it Hurts when I see someone being just prejudiced
and wearing colored glasses on blinding themselves.
It hurts...

and I can't imagine how hurt Jesus was
when he was betrayed.

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