Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break

It is almost over. I know, it is pretty tragic.
But I think it's just kinda bittersweet.
I'm still in need of resting and not studying.
I probably will be forever though.
and then on the other side, I can't wait to go back to school, see people,
and feel alive again.
I had a pretty good spring break though.
I slept in, rested, ate, rested, and ate... haha.
I actually studied, did some stuff, worked out, went shopping,
and tried to be a little productive!
and now on the ending edge of the spring break,
I think I made it pretty good for myself
and also think I could've made it better somehow I don't know..
Well, it was nice. so I'm THANKFUL.
so I guess I'm ready to go back to the world and work my butt off again.
oh and spring sing!!!!!!!!!! huge, huge, huge deal!
haha I'm really pumped about the show.. since I've put so much time, effort, and give up some chances to do stuff, I better do my best and make it pretty good. uh-huh!

and now here I am sitting here thinking what I will do
for the next spring break in 2011.
Pretty lame, huh?

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