Friday, December 30, 2011

Thanks 2011, Welcome 2012!

Mwahhahahahahahahahaaa :)

I noticed two things:
One, I like to start my post with a big picture of me in intent to scare people.
I hope it works.
Two, I am a really, really bad blogger. I go through extreme rollercoastering phase of blogging and not blogging. I am really sorry..... :(((

I got hooked into a new TV show: NEW GIRL.
It is so funny. There are other funny shows like Friends. Friends is funny because it is dirty and awkward to watch with other peeople.
But New Girl? Oh my gosh. Guys, this is funny.
I mean, this show is legit funny. When I watch it by myself, I just crack up.
I Laught Out Loud. I LOL!
and Zooey Deschanel is so pretty and funny and awkward and perfect for her role!

I also spent a LOT of time, I mean  a lot of time, on looking up and applying to internships. Including profit and non-profit organizations, incorporations, and everything else that is unpaid internship, I applied to 27 different places.......... I am not sure if that is normal. No one tells me what is normal. So hopefully some places will get back to me and eventually offer me an internship.......
Ahhh, prayers are needed here, guys.
thank you. :)

Okay, I feel like all the bloggers are doing a 2011 look-up or wrap-up or whatever it is.
so I feel like I should do it, too.

But, naaaaaaah, I'm good. I don't feel like looking back at all the happenings, people, and everything else that was in my life for any time..... Haha, I kinda posted my 2011 on this blog so if ya wanna know, you can catch up by looking back at the posts! Because I put off til the last minute of each month and try to catch up on everything on one post, each post is kinda long..... Ha, ha, haha. :))

Welp, lots of things happened. Good and bad. Fortunate and Unfortunate. Predicted and Unpredicted. Made me smile and cry. Calmed me down. and pissed me off.
Lots of people happened, too. Wouldn't say some are necessarily good or bad. But some just stopped by and now are kind of forgotten, sadly. Some have truly touched my life and are still in contact with me, thankfully. and some have thrown garbage at me.

But after all, things passed. people passed. feelings passed. some may be still left deep in my heart. but almost passed.

Because time passed.

Some things seem to be never moving on unlike you are wanting it to. Some things seem to be gone even before you know it.
Some things ... are just there.
No drama.
No expectations.
It's just there.
Solemn and frm.
Like Pine Tree... Haha.

But one thing I know about 2011 is that God was with me. and the people God sent were with me.
The whole time.
The whole freakin' stinkin' time.
and I'm thankful.
because I grew up a little more.
God showed me things and taught me things.

I haven't set resolutions for 2012 yet. Will let you know when I have it all down.

Here's some happy feet for ya.
Ha, ha, haha. :))

I don't want to go into details, but I miss my family. like a lot. a lot. a lot.
It is really strange because I don't really miss my family around this time of the year. I don't have any memories with them on this time of the year. All we do is go to church and have Christmas service and New Year's service.
No gifts.
No stockings with chocolate and a bunch of goodies inside.
No christmas tree (in the house. we set up one at church).
No party.
Maybe eating out.

But I don't know what it is that is making me so homesick like now.

I'm just emotional. and I miss my friends as well.
I need my friends.
Some are in Atlanta, GA right now for Olivia and Dustin's wedding.
They will make such a good married couple. I just wish I could be there for their wedding with all my other friends that are there to congratulate, celebrate, and share the joy of binding a couple into one.

Here are some photos of my family. I'm sorry if I've already put some in other posts.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The joy of friendship, family, and all sorts of relationship

I am sorry if I scared you with this pic picture of me.

I guess, since it's around Christmas time, and we all get excited, I decided that I want to talk about how important and joyful relationships are and how we should all be thankful for relationships we have.

Of course, Christmas isn't just all about having fun with other human beings on earth, because it is all about the birth of Jesus who came to pay for our sins. It is "CHRIST"-mas. haha.
Well, however, because the meaning of Christmas is so glorious, we can't help the fact that it is exciting and joyful time of the year! We share the joy of Jesus' birth with others!

Okay, enough of the rambling.

I just want to say thank you to all who took me into their lives and accepted me as one of their friends, family, and everything else! When I was young-probably when I was in like junior high and going through all that insecure time of life-I was craving for relationships. I felt as if I was not fun enough, smart enough, pretty enough, and just not good enough. I felt empty, lonely, rejected, and left out. However, after I found out how much the Lord loves me and how He is my Lord, savior, master, father, friend, and husband, I do not have those sorrowful feelings anymore. I actually realized how much I am loved and cared about by so many people around me. The satan sometimes "tries" to lie to me but I am not buying it. He can bs about it and I will shoo him away.

I love friendships.
I love family.
I love all sorts of relationships God puts me in.
It is such blessing.
I just keep realizing it and my realization keeps getting bigger, heavier, and more thankful.

At DGR Christmas Function "Santa's Workshop".
Jonghwa is such a fun guy!

I came to conclusion that I like pancakes at night much better.
They are sweeter, softer, and fluffier. and they are more jolly.
don't ask me why because I do not know.
Pumpkin pancakes are so good.
and I love my suitemate Larissa.

At Sean's grandparents' house.
Mimi and papa are such sweet-spirited people. I feel so warm and welcomed when I talk to them. I love grandparents.
Love you, mimi and papa.

The campus is so pretty with blue christmas lights everywhere and huge christmas trees, presents, and all sorts of decorations in the heritage building. I feel like I am a princess in a fairytale. I get so excited when I walk through all the lights on the campus at night because all I see is the romantic blue lights that make me want to fall in love.

It is the time of the year when the world falls in love.
can I fall in love at this time of the year?

I am just hoping for white christmas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The warmth of parental love

While I have been at Harding, I have been jealous of the kidos who get care packages from their parents, grandparents, church, or whatever.

It just looks so exciting and joyful to get a package from home.
It makes you feel thought of, cared about, blessed, and loved.

but I have not gotten any because I had lived at home.

Until now.

My parents, around Chrsitmas time every year, send me a package of things I need and presents for the Beaty's family. Since I'm living on campus now, they sent this year's package to my dorm!

So what does that mean?

That means....
I got to be one of the kids I had been jealous of getting packages and carrying them back to the room with such excitement to open them up and finding out what the packages contain.

You see how joyous I look? The moment of carrying it to Haley's room, opening it up, and looking at each item was so jovial that I was exhausted after I went through all the stuff I got. I loved every moment of it.

The excitement, the warmth from the love of my parents, and the gratitude to the Lord. 

These are what the package contained:
Seaweed wrap, Seaweed for cooking, black bean whole grain shake powder, natural MSG, black bean capsules, three different types of tea, flavored flake to eat with rice, green tea serum, sunscreen, cordless jump rope (just ask me), toothbrushe, and a jovial merry christmas card.

One bag of seaweed wrap contains 16 small packages. I asked for small amount just to have some home-food taste but they sent me three big bags (which ends up being 48 packages).

Asked for small amount of seaweed just to make some soup sometimes. They sent me a big bag os seaweed that serves 80 people. Guess I gotta have some feast with Aisan fellas at Harding.

Did not even ask for toothbrush because I already have a ton. They still sent me 8 more toothbrushes. I think I can have business with how many I have now.

It makes me laugh.
It makes me smile.
It makes my heart warm and cozy.  
It makes me miss my parents.
It makes me cry.

Such cute Christmasy socks my parents sent me. They obviously improved in their taste in fashion. So proud of them! :))

I love you, mom and dad.