Sunday, February 19, 2012

I want!

I want to break out of this complacency.

I want a way-out.

I refuse to mask, disguise, and cover up myself with glitters.

I want to be completely honest, genuine, and real.

I want to tell others what I like, what I don't like, what I think, and what I feel without feeling pressured to say what is expected of me.

I want to be out of place.

I want to be extraordinary.

I want to do and be crazy.

I want to be bold and fearless.

I want to see clearly what's underneath and and what really matters.

I want to be out there.

Life is a box of chocolate!

I stole the quote for the title from my friend Haley Rogers. She says this line from the movie Forest Gump. Never seen it. Since my friend loves that movie and I used a line from it for the title of my blog post, I guess I should watch it! Haha.

So....... my life is fun. It is full of fun things - school work, social events, and most of all, talking to God!! Did not read the Bible every day but I have had some time to actually sit down and dig into the Word and talk to Him. On Valentine's Day, I was thinking to myself, "I actually would like a get some flowers and a box of dark chocolate from a guy, but it's okay! because God, my husband and all in all, has given me so much more than flowers and chocolate!" So I talked to Him for like an hour and that was the most intimate, comforting, soul-feeding, and amazing time spent in a long time. So awesome.

Okay so I'm going to give you picture updates, which means that I am not going into details of every fun little things I did because then this post will be forever. so I am going to describe briefly what I did and let you explore through the pics! Here it goes!

When Hannah, Kala, and I went to Zaza's.

When some DGR girls and I went to LR.
We stopped by Anthropologie. It is kinda like Urban Outfitters. So cute. Adorable.
 Indian Restaurant!

When my suite + Kristin went to LR to go see The Vow.
(The Vow was so sweet. A nice chick flick I would actually buy)

Valentine's Day gift for Haley!

And I made chocolate for my friends!
It was so much fun to make those while imagining their happy faces eating the chocolate.

(Just being creepy on a guy delivering V-day stuff) 

When Haley and I went to Pasta Grill for Valentine's Day.
Waited for forty minutes, but it was totally worth it.
One of the best desserts I ever tasted: Chocolate Spoon Cake

Haley played her songs for us this Sunday.
Mom and Mayu all liked the songs.

Tomorrow is Katie and Kelcey Simpson's birthday. They are twins and real good friends of mine. They are turning 21. I could not mix some margarita for them in Searcy Hall because I am at Harding. So I made dinner: salad, spaghetti, rolls, green beans, and some desserts taken from the caf. It was nice to do something for my dear friends and see them deliciously eat the food I cooked. Love my friends. Thank God for all the awesome friends He brought me.

Anyway, two more weeks and I am going to KENTUCKY for spring break.
Yeah, baby!
I am super excited.

Peace out.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Already ready for break.

Hello, dear friends!
Okay, I admit that I am a terrible, awful, horrific blogger.
I forgot to blog the past week.
and when I am about to blog about all the fun things that happened last week, I realized that I did not take pictures of the memorable memories so I can't give you any visual evidence!

The past week was busy with so many tests and a lot of people asking to interview me for their speech class. I felt honored and wanted to be asked but 4? haha and two more asked me but the time didn't allow it to happen. I just hope their papers passed just fine with some overlaping information I told. (I tried really hard to give different episodes and information!)

Last Saturday, my dear Chinese friend Anson got baptized. It was really amazing to see someone who has no freakin' background knowledge on the Lord and the Bible come to the States, to Harding University and take Bible classes, make Christian friends, and eventually accep Jesus Christ as the Savior and the Lord. I get really emotional, for some reason, whenever I see someone getting baptized. It is like getting re-born! Anson is now going to heaven with us when we go home. I can't wait. It is so exciting and more miraculous than anything that can happen on the earth.

The weather has been really, really nice. It cannot be January. I wore sundress with a thin cardigan yesterday! I felt a bit out of place but the weather was just perfect for it... I like winter, snow, and the refreshing freezing breezy winter weather but I am also liking this weather that allows me to wear whatever i want without worrying to get too cold. :)))

I am kind of embarrassed to say this but in the past three years at Harding, I went to the Bison's basketball game for the first time last Saturday. It was like all-club basketball game so it was really fun with lot of girls I know from my club. DGR is just really cool. hahahahahahahaa. Even though we didn't get the 100 dollars, I am glad the new club got it and the Bisons won the game!

On Monday, my suitemate Katie's dad came to Little Rock for his medical conference all the way from Minnesota. (I know, can you say a capable doctor? running all around the nation for his medical knowledge!) so my whole suite + Kristin (their cousin) + Ben went to LR to see Katie's dad. He generously took us out to Carino's to eat. First time to go eat at the place, I loved it. The bread was great. The mozzarella sticks as an appetizer were great. Italiam cream soda was great. All the chicken pasta platters we ordered was great. It was just really, really good. and then we went bowling. I scored 72? in the first round and then 47? in the second round. Yep.......... My specialization is gutter. and then as I was rolling my ball on the gutter, I was thinking, "gutter is such an ugly, insult-sounding word. You can really offend someone without offending them by saying, "you are such a gutter". anyway, Monday was such a good day with good people and good food. Nice get away from the campus for sure!

Then on Tuesday, it was women's open house. so I cooked curry and brownies for my suite and their friends. I am so glad the food turned out well. As I grew up, I thought I would be a bad mom or wife because of cooking. My mom didn't cook much. She was not too fond of cooking in the first place. and I thought I would be like her. but I actually do like cooking. It is fun in the process. and it is heart-warming to watch people eat my food and getting satisfied. (unless they are lying just to be nice to me. which they might. because I have such nice friends... haha) but anyway, so now I think I will be a good mom and a good wife. Tehe. 

I am already ready for spring break because I think I am going to Kentucky with my suite. My roommie is from Kentucky and her cousins (Kristin and Jordan) is from Kentucky and her another cousin (katie) is coming to Kentucky. and they invited me to their home for spring break! (kind of asked for it, though.) and they said we are gonna go to maple syrup festival there. I am so pumped. and Kentucky is really, really pretty, I hear, so we will do lots of outdoor activities. Ahhhhhhhh. I cannot wait. I am so excited to get out of school and do some fun things that will bring joy to my life. This semester is just dreading forever, I feel like...

Just to throw it out there, I am going to let my hair grow til summer and chop it off. Hopefully donate it to Pantene if it is long enough to donate. but here is the picture of the hairstyle I want:

What do you think?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wish List

I feel really lame, spoiled, and selfish for doing this. but I just really like listing things..
and I wish to list a wish list.

Oh my goodness, I love home appliance stuff.....
I don't think I am that feminine or whatever,
but I seriously cannot wait til I have my own home and decorate it with the stuff I pick.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Chinese(Lunar) New Year!
새해 복 많이 받으세요 (Korean)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Chicken and Mushroom Pasta

Just a pasta menu I tried on my own!
Second new recipe for the month?! Haha. I like throwing stuff together with the base I know will be good.

Just tomato basil spaghetti sauce with spaghetti noodles, chicken, and mushroom.
Seasonings used: garlic, onion, basil, and black pepper.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Joy

Happy Chinese New Years!

My country (South Korea) celebrates Chinese New Years as one of the biggest family holidays. My parents told me they are too busy to go visit any of their family members so they are going to just stay in the house and finish whatever they have to get done. Surprise. I don't think I've ever seen anyone who works like my parents. They literally work like a dog. Anyways, my dad has a social worker license exam on February 5th so he's been studying super, duper hard for that, I heard. and my mom, because my dad is focused on studying, is taking care of both her and my dad's duties. She is a wonder woman, I say. She may be physically weak and fragile but her strong mentality and will-power will never, ever let her physical circumstances get in the way of her working. Not sure if I should compliment on it but I just think she is a very strongly self-driven, disciplined, and seriously committed individual. I admire her for it. sometimes. I just wish she would take care of herself. Oops, sorry, I did not mean to make this post sound like a pity party for my mom. Well, I guess I do kinda pity her but I keep reminding myself that she probably has treasure stored in heaven because she is very sacrificial. She is a giver. She does not store anything for herself. I wish I learned some of her characteristics.

DGR girls who went to Zambia in the fall 2011 are now back in Harding. and I got to hear some stories from Whitney, Abbie, and Katie. Their stories are just amazing and surreal. Also, whenever they talk about Africa in terms of culture, the sceneries, places they went to, duties they were in charge of, and about God at work with them in Africa, they glow. Their eyes get bigger and teary. Their voices get excited. Their faces get smiley. They are just so excited for God. God truly, truly changed their lives through this unforgettable journey. and they are so in love with God. Just by hearing their stories, I get encouraged and uplifted. I get all teared up and amazed by how great God is. I am receiving vicarious experience of how awesome God of the universe is. how holy He truly is. I am so excited to hear more stories about what they did and what God did with them, in them, and through them.

I learned recently that it is not all about feelings. It is the truth in my soul that sets me free and fills me up with the joy in the Lord. I may not be smiley all the time. I may not be emotionally excited all the time. I may be tired, emotionally drained, or even depressed. However, these feelings do not change the truth. The truth is the solid rock that cannot be moved or shaken. I have hope in the Lord. I have purpose in living and promise from God. The enemy plays me with my weak, fragile feelings, not the magnificent truth of the King of it all. Now I know that, I have the true joy. I have joy in the Lord. and it is so good to be set free by the ultimate truth.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week Review 1.09.12 - 1.15.12

School started off pretty good. It has not been hectic like the last semester yet. but who knows. It's college. and I'm a junior. haha. but I am hoping it is not as busy as the last semester so I can actually have life and do things I want to do like doing some long-term volunteer work at Jacob's Place, working out more regularly, and developing friendship to a deeper level! :))


So I made Korean food this week: Seaweed soup.
I am sorry if the picture kinda disgusts yall. (I know seafood is not really a thing for many of you guys..)
but I liked it. I thought it tasted pretty good.

On Friday, I had dinner with Kala. We caught up on each other's lives, which was so nice. She keeps me sane and I keep her sane (at least that's what she says. haha). and I love that we are so dependent on each other with the foundation on the Lord. Our friendship, I can say with full confidence, is totally based on God. I love that we keep each other accountable and help each other grow bigger and bigger in Christ and survive in the world. :))

and then I hung out with dear friends Haley and Nathan at Midnight Oil. It was really fun.
TEAONME!!! (pronounced as Ti-a-mi).
Inside joke.

On Saturday, me and three of my friends went rock climbing in LR. climbed for 3 hours and wore ourselves out. but it was really, really fun. Absolutely loved it.

Then on Saturday night, me, my suite, their cousins, and a few of our friends had potluck at the Rock House. I made chicken and rice casserole and cupcakes. (I baked them and the girls decorated!) I guess they could be the new recipe for this month. (If you don't know what I am talking about, go to the post about New Year's resolutions) I was super nervous about them but thankfully they turned out pretty well. :)) Muhahahahahahahhaaaaaa

On Sunday, I went to church and came back to campus. because Dustin and Olivia, my dear friends who got married over the christmas, hosted lunch for us. Olivia made Ziti. It was sooooooooooooo good. I am sure she has been a good wife so far and will be a great one for the rest of her wifehood(?)

I learned a new card game called Bang. It was originated in Italy (?) so the original terms are in Italian but it is translated into English on the cards. Basically, you are having a western cowboy fight through the cards. You can shoot, punch, or knife. then you can miss, dodge, or whatever. You are given different characters with different abilities. It is really fun. It requires a lot of brain work. but hey. it is really fun once you get the hang of the game. As I played it, I actually filmed a battle scene in my head. like a movie. It was quite entertaining in my head.

So yeah. this week was really good. Educational, Entertaining, Social, and Fun. Of course, spiritual. this week was pretty emotional for me because it was so good to be back to see everyone and be productive again. but I got really homesick during the week getting overwhelemd by such a crowd of students and school work. but I had a dear friend who was more than willing to run to me and pray for me. I love my friends. Friendship is genuinely one of the best gifts from God.

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day. aka MLK day. therefore, we don't have school! yayyyyy. I have several plans in my head. They are all up in the air. but hopefully I will get to do something fun. :))

Okay. I need to go read some for my classes. My weekend was too full of social activities. time to start being a college student again. haha.

Rockin' fun with rockin' rock!

This is my favorite commercial.
So legit.
I want to be the girl in this one. haha.

So this Saturday, me and my friends, Katie & Kelcey Simpson and Annalyse Faulk, went to LR climbing center. Kinda got lost on the highway. Took us almost 2 hours. haha.

But. we finally did arrive and paid a lot of money (did not expect that much...... ugh) for entrance, shoes, harness, and climbing lesson for first-time-climbers. we took the short lesson on how to belay, climb, etc.

We climbed for 3 hours. Goodness, I know. It drained all the energy out of me. but it was so. much. fun.

I have climbed like... 3 times in my life? Haha so I am quite a novice. but I really want to keep pursuing it and get better at it. Seriously.

I heard the Zion climbing center will open back up in late January and the pass for the semester will be $65 with gears included. so if the gears mean shoes, harness, and all that, I want to get the pass so I can go climb all the time and improve!! :))

and maybe Katie and I can climb together whenever she gets back from HUF!

After rock climb, four of us went to Panera bread and got our tummies all full and happy.

Then we got TCBY. Dearest Katie treated us to yummy frozen yogurt ice cream. :))

It was a good day.
The day did not end yet.
but the story of the rest of the day will be posted separately.

Stay tuned...

Healthy Crunchy Crispy Snack Beans

Healthy Crunchy Crispy Snack Beans

Excerpt from

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 New Year Resolutions

My parents sent me those christmas socks. How adorable. Just love mommy and daddy.

2012 New Years Resolutions

1. Completely surrender to the Lord;
            Define complete identity in Him,
                    and have self-confidence in the Lord.

2. Stop biting my nails
3. Live to the fullest: don't waste time.
4. Do the best in school
5. Travel as much as possible
6. Be wise with money but enjoy life
7. Make friendship more valuable in life
8. Blog better: one post a week
9. Read at least one book a month
10. Try to cook a new menu a month
11. Compose one song a month
12. Scrapbook
13. Be healthy

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ta-da! Thanks for the nice ending of christmas break

I have been bored the heck out of my life over the break.
I have been lazy, bored, lonely, and depressed... but I also have been productive, active, and just going and going with whatever I was doing - mostly chores like laundry and dishes.(Trust me, with 7 people in the house, there's endless amount of laudnry and dishes to do.. haha) but overall, compared to other people who went to Mexico, New York, Florida, and all the other awesome places in the world, I have been kinda stuck in S-town in Arkansas.

I mean, I went to Little Rock couple of times. for Christmas shopping and all that. haha. (Trying not to make myself so pitiful)

and then Mr. George showed up.

He and his wife, Mrs. Linetta, are a couple I met at the church in Little Rock I went to when I was in NLR for the first year in the United States as an exchange student. They helped me a lot with everything. They became my another set of parents. They are such blessing to me. Their characters as christians are wonderful, and what they do is just flat out awesome. Mr. George, despite his age, is the most active, athletic, outdoorsy person I've met. He has a gigantic camper in which he and his wife went to 3-month trip over the States with the destination to Alaska. He runs all the time. He has participated in marathon so many times that Mrs. Linetta made a quilt out of all the marathon t-shirts he has and they still have a ton of marathon shirts left over. He is in several running and biking clubs in Arkansas. He takes youth group at his church to hiking and camping trips several times a year. Plus, he rides a Harley Davidson. well, he used to for a long time. and he recently - I think this year - got a new Honda. It is a trike. Since Mrs. Linetta doesn't have the most stable feet now, they needed something more vehicle-ish instead of motorcycle. It is stunning red. It is so cool. I love it. Mr. George goes to Sturgis every year. Every freakin year. It is so awesome. He knows how to live a life. He knows how to make a living and yet not get wrapped in the living and just enjoy life. I learned a lot of life lessons from him.

So I went to go visit them in NLR on Thursday and spent the night there. On thursday, we hiked the Pinnacle Mountain. East side is way cooler than the basic trail because it is rocky, challenging, and thrilling. We got to the top. There were so many young people there, surprisingly.

And then we went to pick Haleigh up. Haleigh is their granddaughter. She is 21 month old, I think? She is soooooooooo cute. Such a friendly baby. But let me tell ya. She knows what she wants and will not back out on it. and She knows what she does not want and will not force herself into it. Haha can you tell she will be soom sort of leader?

Then we watched "Tangled".I think that is my favorite disney movie. So adorable.

Mrs. Linetta's no-bake oatmeal cookies are my favorite cookies. There's just something about it. Different from all the other oatmeal cookies I've tired. They are just so sweet, soft, and amazing. and Yes, I binged. haha

On Thursday, we went biking at Burns Park. We went all the way to the Big Dam bridge and just biked around. It was such a pretty day with clear sky and sunny sun. There were quite a few people biking, running, jogging, and taking a walk. :))

(The helmet was huge. It kept falling in front of my head and covering my sight.. haha)

Then we had tuna sandwich for lunch and then took off for a trike ride. I got to ride on his new, stunning red Honda trike. It was so awesome. We drove on the countryside to Russelville, got chocolate milkshake at Whattaburger (So thick and delicious. LOVE it.), and got back to Little Rock.

Went to pick Haleigh up, had stir-fry for supper, and got back home.

The past two days I spent with Mr. George were so enjoyable and wonderful. I hope my spring semester is not as busy as my fall semester was so I can go camping or backpacking with him on weekends. I want to be able to enjoy my life more. I want to extract more fun out of my life.

Anyway, it was a nice ending of my christmas break.