Friday, December 30, 2011

Thanks 2011, Welcome 2012!

Mwahhahahahahahahahaaa :)

I noticed two things:
One, I like to start my post with a big picture of me in intent to scare people.
I hope it works.
Two, I am a really, really bad blogger. I go through extreme rollercoastering phase of blogging and not blogging. I am really sorry..... :(((

I got hooked into a new TV show: NEW GIRL.
It is so funny. There are other funny shows like Friends. Friends is funny because it is dirty and awkward to watch with other peeople.
But New Girl? Oh my gosh. Guys, this is funny.
I mean, this show is legit funny. When I watch it by myself, I just crack up.
I Laught Out Loud. I LOL!
and Zooey Deschanel is so pretty and funny and awkward and perfect for her role!

I also spent a LOT of time, I mean  a lot of time, on looking up and applying to internships. Including profit and non-profit organizations, incorporations, and everything else that is unpaid internship, I applied to 27 different places.......... I am not sure if that is normal. No one tells me what is normal. So hopefully some places will get back to me and eventually offer me an internship.......
Ahhh, prayers are needed here, guys.
thank you. :)

Okay, I feel like all the bloggers are doing a 2011 look-up or wrap-up or whatever it is.
so I feel like I should do it, too.

But, naaaaaaah, I'm good. I don't feel like looking back at all the happenings, people, and everything else that was in my life for any time..... Haha, I kinda posted my 2011 on this blog so if ya wanna know, you can catch up by looking back at the posts! Because I put off til the last minute of each month and try to catch up on everything on one post, each post is kinda long..... Ha, ha, haha. :))

Welp, lots of things happened. Good and bad. Fortunate and Unfortunate. Predicted and Unpredicted. Made me smile and cry. Calmed me down. and pissed me off.
Lots of people happened, too. Wouldn't say some are necessarily good or bad. But some just stopped by and now are kind of forgotten, sadly. Some have truly touched my life and are still in contact with me, thankfully. and some have thrown garbage at me.

But after all, things passed. people passed. feelings passed. some may be still left deep in my heart. but almost passed.

Because time passed.

Some things seem to be never moving on unlike you are wanting it to. Some things seem to be gone even before you know it.
Some things ... are just there.
No drama.
No expectations.
It's just there.
Solemn and frm.
Like Pine Tree... Haha.

But one thing I know about 2011 is that God was with me. and the people God sent were with me.
The whole time.
The whole freakin' stinkin' time.
and I'm thankful.
because I grew up a little more.
God showed me things and taught me things.

I haven't set resolutions for 2012 yet. Will let you know when I have it all down.

Here's some happy feet for ya.
Ha, ha, haha. :))

I don't want to go into details, but I miss my family. like a lot. a lot. a lot.
It is really strange because I don't really miss my family around this time of the year. I don't have any memories with them on this time of the year. All we do is go to church and have Christmas service and New Year's service.
No gifts.
No stockings with chocolate and a bunch of goodies inside.
No christmas tree (in the house. we set up one at church).
No party.
Maybe eating out.

But I don't know what it is that is making me so homesick like now.

I'm just emotional. and I miss my friends as well.
I need my friends.
Some are in Atlanta, GA right now for Olivia and Dustin's wedding.
They will make such a good married couple. I just wish I could be there for their wedding with all my other friends that are there to congratulate, celebrate, and share the joy of binding a couple into one.

Here are some photos of my family. I'm sorry if I've already put some in other posts.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The joy of friendship, family, and all sorts of relationship

I am sorry if I scared you with this pic picture of me.

I guess, since it's around Christmas time, and we all get excited, I decided that I want to talk about how important and joyful relationships are and how we should all be thankful for relationships we have.

Of course, Christmas isn't just all about having fun with other human beings on earth, because it is all about the birth of Jesus who came to pay for our sins. It is "CHRIST"-mas. haha.
Well, however, because the meaning of Christmas is so glorious, we can't help the fact that it is exciting and joyful time of the year! We share the joy of Jesus' birth with others!

Okay, enough of the rambling.

I just want to say thank you to all who took me into their lives and accepted me as one of their friends, family, and everything else! When I was young-probably when I was in like junior high and going through all that insecure time of life-I was craving for relationships. I felt as if I was not fun enough, smart enough, pretty enough, and just not good enough. I felt empty, lonely, rejected, and left out. However, after I found out how much the Lord loves me and how He is my Lord, savior, master, father, friend, and husband, I do not have those sorrowful feelings anymore. I actually realized how much I am loved and cared about by so many people around me. The satan sometimes "tries" to lie to me but I am not buying it. He can bs about it and I will shoo him away.

I love friendships.
I love family.
I love all sorts of relationships God puts me in.
It is such blessing.
I just keep realizing it and my realization keeps getting bigger, heavier, and more thankful.

At DGR Christmas Function "Santa's Workshop".
Jonghwa is such a fun guy!

I came to conclusion that I like pancakes at night much better.
They are sweeter, softer, and fluffier. and they are more jolly.
don't ask me why because I do not know.
Pumpkin pancakes are so good.
and I love my suitemate Larissa.

At Sean's grandparents' house.
Mimi and papa are such sweet-spirited people. I feel so warm and welcomed when I talk to them. I love grandparents.
Love you, mimi and papa.

The campus is so pretty with blue christmas lights everywhere and huge christmas trees, presents, and all sorts of decorations in the heritage building. I feel like I am a princess in a fairytale. I get so excited when I walk through all the lights on the campus at night because all I see is the romantic blue lights that make me want to fall in love.

It is the time of the year when the world falls in love.
can I fall in love at this time of the year?

I am just hoping for white christmas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The warmth of parental love

While I have been at Harding, I have been jealous of the kidos who get care packages from their parents, grandparents, church, or whatever.

It just looks so exciting and joyful to get a package from home.
It makes you feel thought of, cared about, blessed, and loved.

but I have not gotten any because I had lived at home.

Until now.

My parents, around Chrsitmas time every year, send me a package of things I need and presents for the Beaty's family. Since I'm living on campus now, they sent this year's package to my dorm!

So what does that mean?

That means....
I got to be one of the kids I had been jealous of getting packages and carrying them back to the room with such excitement to open them up and finding out what the packages contain.

You see how joyous I look? The moment of carrying it to Haley's room, opening it up, and looking at each item was so jovial that I was exhausted after I went through all the stuff I got. I loved every moment of it.

The excitement, the warmth from the love of my parents, and the gratitude to the Lord. 

These are what the package contained:
Seaweed wrap, Seaweed for cooking, black bean whole grain shake powder, natural MSG, black bean capsules, three different types of tea, flavored flake to eat with rice, green tea serum, sunscreen, cordless jump rope (just ask me), toothbrushe, and a jovial merry christmas card.

One bag of seaweed wrap contains 16 small packages. I asked for small amount just to have some home-food taste but they sent me three big bags (which ends up being 48 packages).

Asked for small amount of seaweed just to make some soup sometimes. They sent me a big bag os seaweed that serves 80 people. Guess I gotta have some feast with Aisan fellas at Harding.

Did not even ask for toothbrush because I already have a ton. They still sent me 8 more toothbrushes. I think I can have business with how many I have now.

It makes me laugh.
It makes me smile.
It makes my heart warm and cozy.  
It makes me miss my parents.
It makes me cry.

Such cute Christmasy socks my parents sent me. They obviously improved in their taste in fashion. So proud of them! :))

I love you, mom and dad.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

TEN thingy's : Thanksgiving

I wrote a list of ten things I am thankful for in celebration of thanksgiving.
Happy thanksgiving, everyone!

Thanksgiving ONE : FAMILY
I am so thankful for family. Yeah, some of yall would say, "you are a brat if you aren't thankful for family!" and yes. I used to be one spoiled brat. I guess I still am because I am an only child who gets all the attention and emotional affection from my parents. but I do have to say that I am really blessed with my biological parents and host parents that have become my another set of parents. Me and my biological parents have gone through some tough times, but we all got through them without breaking what is really valuable: family. We did not break the family. We stayed as family. and we are still one family who cannot live without each other. We love each other so much that we get our hopes up and get frustrated. but in the end, we know. and my host family? oh my my. let me tell ya briefly. Think about a random family that decides to let a little Asian girl in their home, feed her, provide a place for her to sleep at, give rides to school every morning, and finally accept her as one of their family members? All that for free? All that without fussing, arguments within the family, or regretting a moment? Yeah, the random family you just read about is my family here. Long story short, they ARE my family. They may know me even better than my biological parents. Nothing sad or wrong about that. That's just what it is. I am truly, sincerely, and unceasingly thankful for the family God has sent me to. I get to spend thanksgiving with an awesome Christian family with awesome thanksgiving dishes. (My mom knows how to cook-turkey with gravy, cranberry salad, corn casserole, sweet potato casserole, stuffing with/without oysters, mashed potato, homemade rolls, homemade noodles with turkey gravy, homemade cheesecake, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie. Yes. Be jealous. I think I deserve to boast!)

Thanksgiving TWO : FRIENDS
I love my friends, too. Friends back in Korea and here at Harding. and friends I have all over the world. I think God has really blessed me with some friends that truly love me and care about me. My middle school friends back in Korea I still keep in touch with. They are precious. :) and friends I started talking to as a penpal to practice my English all over the United States. and friends I have here at Harding. Oh my, I do not where I would be without all those supportive friends who would cry with me and rejoice with me. and I want to give special thanks to my bestest friends Haley Rogers and Katie Kirkpatrick. They truly trust me, open up to me, and treat me as one of their sisters in Christ. Yes. I learned what sisterhood in Christ is like from them. and I am so thankful. I love friendships! I am not the best at it because I think I am kind of awkward.. haha but hey. God loves me. Ha.

Thanksgiving THREE : CHURCH
So many people look for a church they can feel comfortable at home at. They go on this grant tour on all the local churches and many of them get frustrated. Could be their fault with their too high expectations for church but it does not necessarily have to be. It may be that they just don't feel like they fit in it. How unfortunate is that? I am so thankful that God has put me in churches in which I feel like I am family with the people there. I did not even try to find one. I just went to my dad's church back home. I went to the new church my mom suggested me to go to. and I am not going to church where my host dad preaches at. and all of them turned out very spiritual and uplifting to me. They taught me what family in church is like, what church should be like, what serving really is, and how we all need to be servants in the church instead of guests or birthday girls/boys who expect to be given everything.

Thanksgiving FOUR : SCHOOL
I do complain about how terrible school is. I get sick and tired of doing school work. and I get burnt out from going through the same routine every day. I sometimes bash the professors, courses, and even the school as a whole. I do not agree with all the rules my school has. I do not agree with all the doctrines and beliefs my school denomination has. BUT when am I ever gonna like anything 100%? There will be always something I do not approve of. and sometimes. no, a lot of itmes, I just need to suck it up and move on. So I do suck it up and move on. I follow the rules according to the student handbook, constitution, and church of christ beliefs. I do not have such turmoils, thankfully. and when I think about it, I can't really say or think of anything but that I am thankful to be able to go to school. I get education that a lot of people in the world can't even imagine getting. I get educated, knowledge, matured, and cultured to be available for God in the future. That is awesome. and a lot of the people I meet are very spiritual, Christianly, and uplifting. I learn something everyday from someone in school. and I am really thankful to be surrounded by such awesome support system founded in Christ.

Thanksgiving FIVE : SUN
Oh man, those who know me know that I love sun. I just love looking at sun. especially in the morning. Very refreshing, soul-cleansing, and soul-warming. It does everything but harm. It makes everything better. I think it is because when I face the sun, I feel as if the Lord's face is shining down on me. I feel like He reminds me of His promises for me everyday.

Thanksgiving SIX : TREE
I also love tree. It is very pleasant to look at them, touch them, sit under them to do homework or do devotional, and hug them. There is no ugly tree. There is no invaluable tree. Tree exposes oxygen we need to breathe. Tree is the organic, natural air purifier. and it is the genuine work of God. I get amazed when I picture the process of tree growth in my head and when I think about how it is all done with a simple command of God. and of course, I am eco-friendly. I recycle. I love to go green.

My favorite seasons are fall and winter just because I love to wear flannels, sweaters, scarves, and boots with skinny jeans. but really. all four seasons are so distinctive and beautiful. They have cons because we make cons out of it. They do not have natural cons but only natural pros. They feel different but all are enjoyable. They look different but all are beautiful. Thankful for the four seasons so we don't get bored of hot, cold, or lukewarm.

Thnksgiving EIGHT : HEART
What if we do not have feelings? What if we do not know what love is like? What if we do not know what the joy in the Lord feels like? How miserable, dull, and boring would life be? I am so glad that God gave each individual a heart that feels. A lot of times, the satan plays with our emotions so we feel alone, empty, and lonely and drift ourselves way from God. but that is not created by Him. and we have the promise of the ultimate victory. Feeling thankful, joyful, hopeful, blessed, and loved is such an awesome thing we all need to be thankful for. Heart is where the Lord resides in us. We are in His heart as well. He feels us.

Thanksgiving NINE : FOOD
Of course I am a girl. and all the females LOVE to eat. Do we have different taste buds from the males? but we just love everything about food and eating it. The temperature, the color or the look, the texture, the scent, and the taste are stimulated like New Year's fireworks in London. and I don't know about yall. but I LOVE to eat. Don't worry, I am not bulimic. I have been bulimic so I know I am not. I just enjoy eating. It is such pleasant thing. I give myself something good. Something nutritious, rich, pleasing, reviving, and invigorating. Something God has really blessed us with. Food.

One of the evidences of the existence of God I learned is Ontological claim: The possible supreme being exists in reality. I am so thankful to God for His supreme being. He is the creator: He is eternal, everlasting, unceasing, unending, and never-drying. If He wasn't, I would not be here. I am here because He is here. and He is here because He is the eternal, supereme being. Supreme. How magnificent does that sound? He is supreme. because He is the King. and because He is the Lord. of all.

TEN thingy's : Food

I am not a fan of too many candy bars and all sorts of sweets. BUT give me dark chocolate and i will devour it. Love the bitterness of it and the tough after-taste. and I personally think that dark chocolate is way more romantic than milk chocolate. Just sayin'.

Oh my goodness. How I am fond of cheese. One of the things that I will not be able to give up. Cheesecake is my favorite kind of cake, also. Have not tried too many kinds yet because they are kind of costly. and my body is not very dairy-friendly so I eat it little but often. and I am thinking about starting on vegan cheese. Let's see how it tastes. (or costs) One day, I want to go on cheese tour in Europe.

Okay. Who does not love ice cream? I can't say I am not the only, unique girl who likes ice cream. But I really do like ice cream A LOT. My favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip, strawberry, and green tea. Oh I kinda want to include frozen yogurt & milk shake in this, too. I don't like my ice cream with whole lot of toppings. but sometimes, I get cravings for banana split with boat-loads of fudge, nuts, and banana chunks!
Because I am not very dairy-friendly, I drink a lot of soy milk. I like the taste way better, too. and I think it is healthier? I mean, I do not know about calcium, but soy milk contains a lot of protein so it fill you up with the good nutrient!
Caffeine does nothing to me. Nothing. It does not keep me awake. It does not make me jumpy or jittery. I can drink it at one o'clock at night and go to bed right away. I've dozed off while holding coffee in my hand. I just love the smell and the taste of coffee. It makes me feel so elegant and classy. I usually drink my coffee black but when I feel like having some smoother coffee, I get soy latte put some cinnamon powder. It is richer yet not as heavy. YUM!
I know. I sound like a person who drinks a lot or only drinks. I do like drinks. but I really like soy milk, coffee, and tea out of all the drinks like sodas, juices, or cocktails! Haha well I drink green tea most of the time because I got bunch for free but I really like jasmine because I can sense the soft floral scent.
Beautiful yellowish organge color, sweet scent, full of fiber, the soft texture after cooking it, and the soft and sweet fireworks in my mouth! YUM! plain steamed, fried, mashed, casserole, or any way of its being cooked, I would like it!
Just like sweet potatoes, I can eat green beans any time in any way of cooking it. I really like all sorts of vegetables but I would have to say green beans are my favorite and all-time-available kind for me. But besides green beans, I really like broccoli, asparagus, and brussels sprouts. Softly crunch, clean after-taste, and energizing feeling after eating it! Gotta love veggies♥
Yes, very inexpensive but really healthy for women!(according to my best friend Haley!) It's perfect for breakfast because it's quick and easy to fix. It does not leave the sweet after-taste on my tongue that makes me want more food, most likely sweets. and It is full of fiber so it cleanses your system and gives you energy. I like it with about half-spoonful of honey and cinnamon powder. I would like it with some berries but as a college student I do not have such money pocket for it. :))
I pretty much like all kinds of fruits but I would have to say strawberry is my favorite. Sweet and sour but leaves a refreshing, clean after-taste! YES. I wish I owned a little strawberry farm. When I get married and settle down, I am actually planning to have a little garden where I can grow my own tomatoes, strawberries, and greenie vegies. Exception will be when I live in an apartment in a big city, which I would actually like. :))
Yes, can you tell I am an Asian? Haha. I love all kinds of seafood. Shrimp, salmon, tuna, catfish, scallop, clam, crab, sushi, sashimi, and even any kinds of rolls! It is so good. It is nutritious and lightweight on your body. It does not set too heavy in your tummy. It rather gets your body going by energizing it. How awesome is that? I know, it is really easy to have the gross, nasty sea scent in your mouth but hey. Isn't having cow blood taste in your mouth just as gross and nasty?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I long for healthy living!

Okay, okay.
I feel like I do pretty good job at being healthy by eating healthy foods at the right time and working out at least 3 days a week. and I feel good being healthy and actually enjoy being healthy. I'd much rather choose healthy food than processed food, junk food, or fast food like hamburgers.

Because I do a good job at being healthy during the week, I give myself a little break to spoil myself by eating unhealthy foods. and I don't think that giving yourself a little break is a bad thing at all. It actually is one of the strategies for more effective dieting. HOWEVER, my problem is that when I give myself a break, I just let myself loose and go insane. It's like I've never seen chocolate before. I drown myself in it. I sinnk in the chocolate spa pool. Yeah, BINGE. that is the problem here. I decide to give myself a break over the weekend. but I binge. and then I feel really loaded up and bloated. and I feel bad in myself.

I wish I had control over myself even when I give it a break. I wish I could just be done with a tiny piece of cake and be perfectly satisfied. I wish I could say no to every offer to dig into some delicious, rich, and moist yet unhealthy foods that just weigh me down.

Now I binged this weekend, I will probably feel really loaded up, bloated, weighed down, and tired - long-term sugar crash, could it be? haha and my body will probably swell because of unexpected amount of unexpected and unwelcomed kind of food in the system.

According to the foot massage my host dad gave me, my liver, stomach, and pancreas are not working perfectly right. I guess I've always known because I've always had problems with my system but I never gave much serious thought to it. but now I feel like I really need to fix myself.

My body is the Lord's temple as well as my soul; therefore, I need to take a good care of it by feeding the right nutrients and moving regularly so it can stay clean and active.

I am so sick and tired of this cycle of eating healthy and binging. Therefore, I am going to set some rules:
1. NO junk food whatsoever. (like candy, candy bars, fried chips, etc)
2. Always think of a healthy alternative: more PROTEIN and FIBER
3. Give yourself a break over weekend but have control of it:
have only ONE kind of LITTLE piece of whatever.
4. Don't accept every offer. It is OKAY to say no.
5. When eating out, HALF the food first. eat one half and take the half out.
6. Listen to your tummy: am I hungry? if not, don't eat anything. It leads to binging.
If you feel bored in your mouth, drink WATER or TEA.
7. EXERCISE at least 3 days a week.
8. Concentrate on the full flavor of the food so the little amount can fully satisfy you.
9. DEEP BREATHE before you go for more food or food with empty calories
10. The purpose is not just to lose some weight. It is TO BE HEALTHY.
Being healthy leads to healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy soul with healthy attitude.

Also, those foods that are processed, fried, greasy, or have lots of sugar mess things up for me like: SKIN, DISGESTIVE SYSTEM, and EMOTIONS.

Let's be a responsible individual and take care of ourselves. It leads to good things. I bet the Lord agrees with me!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Homerun balls and Parisian dream


You're probably wondering what the heck all those weird stuff  are.
Well, one of the wonderful beaux of Delta Gammar Rho, Jonghwa Lee, is generous enough to share some of Korean food with me!
Apparently, his sister sent him a package full of Korean food, and I kinda asked for some...
(I know.. pitiful, I am. haha but I no care!)
Anyway, so the green boxed stuff are like cream-puffed balls except it's chocolate-puffed balls!
(they are called "Homerun balls!")
Yes, yummmmmmy!
and the two little cartons are soy milk!
Oh I love soy milk!
and the two packages in the very front are seaweed, which I love to eat with oatmeal that are cooked dry.
I know, it sounds really weird and nasty to yall. but I no care!
and the rest are ramen noodles. (yes, korean ramen noodles are the best)

I just want to say "THANK YOU" for giving me such homie comfort. :))

and just a little outfit I put together wishing I could go walk around the Effel tower right now.
on a sunny day. with a straw berry ice cream in one hand.
I shall, I shall, some day!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

His plan, I'm feelin' it!

Okay, so you know how you have highs and lows in your days, weeks, months, years, and in your entire life? and when you have highs, you are super excited, give thanks to the Lord, and talk all about it to family and friends. and when you have lows, you may question God but you still pick up the strength He gives you. and you just sit, wait, and wish the storm would be over soon. OR you try to learn lessons through the storm, which I respect people who do that sooo much. anyway so you do deal with highs and lows differently, right?

and then.... time passes and when you look back, do you feel like the whole thing was His plan?
His plan to teach you a lesson of .... peace? patience? or self-control?

So I "had" (past perfect tense=i'm past it) been distressed with the fact that I was broke and just could not get a job on campus. Even the cafeteria, a place with their arms open wide for student workers, had all their shifts filled up. but I realized that His grace is sufficient for me and He will provide whatever I need if I just let Him work through me. so I let that go. I think that was the point where I let go of not only the money circumstances but also everything else that has potential to be distressing.

and then here are my highs and lows:
9-29 Phone situation worked out through kindhearted family of Haley Rogers
10-9 Emotions exploded and lost its control: indulged on sugar
(I know this seems like a small matter; but for a health-freak like me, it is quite a deal)
10-10 Tutoring job in the last minute
And then the kid I tutored boosts his average up from 57% to 80%!
10-16 Got back from fall break and started feeling super lonely and empty
10-17 Got a super nice, flattering, honoring comment on my research proposal
by my Advanced Research professor
10-18 Sudden frustrations, anger, and all the emotional junk
10-18 Tutoring rate was increased from $15 to $20

Okay, well some of the lows, I feel like it is Satan knowing that I can get affected by moods very easily (since I have the history of depression) and just trying to mess me up.
but thank the Lord that I am aware of the Satan's dirty little moves and that I am continuously lifted up and encouraged by the strength of God!
but today's low... it's different, ya'll.
Last night, I went to the Sanctuary (worship service at a church where we just praise the Lord with singing for an hour) and the Holy Spirit touched my heart.
I always say like a habig in my prayers that I would submit my life to Him, but last night was REAL. I just had to knelt down and put myself down on the ground in front Him. I could not resist the strong presence of the Holy Spirit. and I like intensely confessed to Him that I am all His. I asked Him to completely break me down and make me a servant He wants to make me. My heart cried out to Him. I seriously wanted Him to touch my soul and take my life away from me. (Not physically but.. you know.. metaphorically.. ha..)

and... I felt Him saying, "Are you ready for this? I am going to break you since you asked. but it will hurt. Are you ready for this?"
and my soul said,

and I think the sudden emotion burst out from this morning was kinda a part of the process of breaking myself down and getting rid of ME out of me. It was over a trivial matter and I apologized. (Thankfully, it was well accepted) and it made me think a lot. I am still in the process of figuring out what the burst out was about. but I strongly feel that God is putting me on the road for complete submission and servanthood.
To be completely honest, I am a little bit anxious just because I do not want to disappoint the Father; but He probably knows my heart and the desires I have. so I am ready. and I feel like I've started on the journey. I do not know how long it will take, how hurtful it will be, and how much I would have to break my ego-shell and just strip myself to strangers out there, but I am ready.
Ready to get out of my slough.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Season of Pumpkin, Chai, Caramel, Cinnamon, and everything Spicy!

Okay, so if you have not heard of Pumpkin Pie Shake or tried it,
You've GOT TO.
Because it is soooooooo delicious!

Yes, Yes. The Season is HERE!
Fall! Autumn! Fall! Autumn!
All the green starts getting bored of their monochrome being and start wearing colors!
Then they get crispy, decide to fall off their branches, and get trampled!
Haha. What a season.
I love everything abou fall.
The color, the smell, the atmophere, the excitement for lower temp., and mostly food.
Foods and drinks of fall are so great.
chai latte thankfully stays available at coffee shops all four seasons.
it is a good reminder of sentimental fall.
but the things that come out in fall only, like "Pumpkin Latte" with a soft touch of "Cinnamon".
I don't even know what to say. haha.
Haha all the food you get to have for thanksgiving dinner?
My family does a huge turkey, homemade noodles, mashed potatoes with phenomenal gravy,
stuffings with and without oysters, corn casserole, cranberry salads, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and only my (host)mom knows what else will be on that wonderful thanksgiving dinner table this year!
One of the reasons I love America: thanksgiving dinner.
So homy, family-oriented, heart-warming feelings with full of smiles and laughter.
And the feeling of being full and happy in the tummy.

Okay, I've talked about food waaaaay too much.
I am a woman. All women, as you should know by now, LOVE food.
One of the wonderful joys in life!
Besides the wonderful God-given food of fall, I also love the change in the outfits.
I personally really like knitwears like sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, and all sorts of things.
(Oh and flannels! It is not knitwear but it's perfect fall outfit!)
Not too bulky for winter but thin enough to feel the cold breeze yet warm enough not to freeze.
YES. you know what kinda outfits I have in my mind, right?
(I am not sure if this is exactly what I had in my mind but it is sorta! haha.
I saw other bloggers put their favorite outfits together like fashion portfolio
so I thought I might try, too!)

And Last but not the least because it is the Most Important,
I love fall because all the changes happening in the works of His hands remind me, once again,
how awesome He is. How wonderfully and fearfully His creation, us human beings, is.
Recently, when I meditate upon those tall trees around the campus and the green grass with the sun shining on them, I feel like I am in the garden of Eden. I know. Lame.
But I start imaging how those trees on campus start showing their buds,branches, leaves, and flowers.
and I start having goose bumps about how He created all those simply with His command with authority. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yeah since I had fall break, I talked to the Lord for about two hours.
Fell asleep in the middle :)
but it was really refreshing and nice to just not worry about time and to be in His word, all relaxed and chilled in the front lawn.  

I was directed to read Psalm 139 through my devotional book.
and this chapter became my new favorite bible scripture.
It is so refreshing, thirst-quenching, soul-satiating, and encouraging.
The expressions used are just so beautiful! :))))

Oh man I am really bad at keeping up with blog so it will take two whole days to write everything that happened ever since my last blog. so I am going go into gestalt mode - here and now!
I am not going to mention what happened in the past but only what is happening "here and now"!

oh oh oh one more thing before I publish this post.
Lately, I've gotten to know some Chinese students at Harding.
At first, I just didn't even think about getting to know them because they were always by themselves and didn't look like they wanted to make friends that were not chinese.
(yeah how stupid of me to think that way. who does not want to broden their social network?)
but yeah I just never gave any thought to them.
but now I've gotten to hung out with them and stuff, I realized that they are so sweeeeeeet!
They just cluster together because they are from their home country and very family-oriented.
One time I went over to one of the chinese students' apartment, me and two other non-chinese friends ate as they cooked for us. but ther rest of them, who are chinsese, waited for hours to get all the cooking done. They are so patient, giving, and loving. They welcome people with their arms held wide.
and I do not know why I never realized that.
and I feel very indifferent and ignorant at the fact that I didn't try to get to know them!
but now I'm thankful that God opened the door for new friendship.
and I want to get to know each of them as an individual soul and their culture.

Okay, that's all.
May His blessings be with you!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you and a future".
-Jeremiah 29:11

Friday night, it was.
Curry, I cooked with the curry powder that I brought with me over the pacific.
Friends, I invited.
Pumpkin pie shake, I finally had, and how belly-satiating, it was.
Enjoyable, the night was.
"Soul Surfer", we watched and I shed tears at.
Bethany Hamilton, I have become a fan of.

All the through the movie, I was amazed at how strong she was.
(I mean, the movie was a little bit changed, but still.)
I was just blown away by how positively spirited she was.
and how God stayed with her throughout the process of getting her arm bitten, going back to the water, falling off the board countless times, realizing what she has through the mission trip, and training again to compete, not necessarily to win.

I keep realizing and getting awakened by the environment that others go through.
The struggles that are way harder, tougher, and much more hopeless looking than my own.
Bethany got her arm cut off.
Surfing was her passion. It was all she had. At least she thought so.
But the Lord used her such a great way that she can embrace so many people in pain
and encourage the discouraged.
I am thankful that the Lord keeps revealing His message to me.
He keeps waking me up and telling me to be strong.
He does assuage me 24/7.
but my thirsty soul just can't get enough of it.
but He just keeps revealing His perfect face to me and I am so thankful.

and now I am having the fever for mission trip and camping again.
I just want to pack up and hit the road.
I really do.
Haha. but I shall do what I must at where I am.

but anyway!
so yeah, I finally had PUMPKIN PIE SHAKE.
and it was phenomenal. seriously. no kidding.
I want another one right now just by talking about it. haha

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Red Rain Boots

 I got a new pair of rain boots. S. Korea has this raining season every summer when it pours down for like weeks. SO I got those rain short rain boots that go up to my calves. I really like them. They look way better on short me than those long ones people usually get. So far I am satisfied with mine, and I am planning to wear them today since it rains little bit. 

(Sorry for the terrible quality of the photos)

I don't really know how to describe my summer. I was always doing something but I was also being super lazy not doing what I had to do like studying for abnormal psychology and GRE. all my other korean friends are getting lectures on GRE and stuff but I am not. However, I did few things that would be helpful for my psychology major. I completed 16 hours of drama therapy and got a certificate. Also, I took lectures on how to give and interpret MMPI-2/A (personality inventory) and got a certificate for that one, too. oh and I've been working out for like two hours everyday. I don't know where I get the energy from. I think I'm just really bored. so it's now like I didn't do ANYTHING. I've just been slow, lazy, and totally UNmotivate. Motivation. it is the thing. it is the problem. it is what keeps people going. but when it is not there, people become so dumb and immovable. We don't know how to keep going without motivation. Self-control. Self-discipline. Pushing oneself. That is what I need. RIGHT NOW.
Oh I also worked as a staff for college church camp. I met some new amazing people whom I hate to think about saying goodbye when I leave. I experienced the love of God again. It was different. Something I didn't expect. Something I never could imagine. Something I never felt. Love that is different from love I get from other humans. I alwyas thought they were the same but felt different just because we humans are sinful. but God's love is totally different from humans' love for each other. There is something indescribable, so tangible yet hard to grasp, irresistable, and irreversible. You know how I put prefix like in, ir, which mean unable, can't. I guess my point is that once you experience the love of God, you will never be the same. Once you feel the holy spirit, you will never be the same. I've always spoken like I am such a faithful christian that follows Christ but the reality is that I was being very obstinate and difficult. I was so firm in that I do not want to teach. I was so stubborn that I do not want to be a preacher's wife. but what the heck. who am I to say that God can give me only certain roles? if He wants, that it should be. it MUST be. I didn't expect to really get anything out of the camp except just helping the people there to have a good camp. but I got out the most valuable lesson. Way more than I worked and served there. The theme for the camp was VISION. My vision WAS majoring in psychology, going into graduate school for clinical psychology, and working at a children's hospital. but NOW my vision is to follow God's mission endlessly and informally.
My parents and I have ups and downs in our relationship since we've been apart for so long and now have different mindsets and cultures. but we've been doing better. We both know that we are different and need to give up certain things to get the puzzles right together. We may go on a little family trip today and come back tomorrow. (S.Korea ain't so big like America where you can travel for weeks and months lol) I hope it works out. I hope we come back home without any hard feelings. haha
I still have lots of things I want to do, lots of places I want to go see, and lots of people I want to see. but if the time comes, I think I will be ready to go back to the states and to see all my friends again and study like crazy again. this time, I won't be back for two years and I think that is why I feel more attached to home than ever. Two years. It will go by fast. I am investing everything in future. and I am actually quite excited about what I will have to give up and also get for staying in the states in the summer 2012.