Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring Break

Alrighty. So What To Do on Spring Break!
I can't wait. :)
1. Read 2-3 books: I am not a big reader. so 2 will be enough.
2. Watch a lot of movies
3. Listen to music or write music: even tho I SUCK at it?
4. Take photos: time to really study about photography. haha
5. Work out: just go crazy and lose five pounds. GO!
6. Shopping: going to the mall or ordering online. whatever... MAYBE?
7. Visit River Oaks Village: Can I? I miss those precious old people.
8. Clean: Clean my stuff and sell or donate what I don't need.
But you know, I need to learn to live on my own.
9. Blogging: and creating a Tumblr. It seems COOL!
10. Look for summer jobs: call them and e-mail them?

Let's Read.
Let's build some culture.

Old and Comfortable

I like converses. (Mine are off-brand, but oh well)
They are plain and simple,
yet comfortable and very stylish.
The design pulls everyone off with any color.
I also think they look better
when they have some dirts on them.
when they look worn and used.
That's when they start looking like
they're supposed to: converses.

Delta Gamma Rho

Delta Gamma Rho
My Social Club at Harding University.
I am a pledge class of 2009.
Big sisters: Deborah Hill and Ashley Moore
I just love DGR.

We are the women of Delta Gamma Rho,
and we are living our lives for Jesus, Whoooooooooooo.
We are the links of this Delta Gamma chain(or train),
so come on everybody and ride this train.
Delta (choo x4) Gamma (choo x4) Rho! Rho!
Delta Gamma Rho! Rho!

Feel the Presence of God

River Side Park with KMS.

KMS really showed me God's presence and made me feel some relaxation

thru the nature God worked on.

I am so blessed to have a friend like her.

God really is working in our lives.

I can just feel it thru KMS.

Much credits and hands to the others

Asada Mao.
A silver medal in 2010 Vancouver Olympic Women Figure Skating.
Made a history in women figure skating by Triple Axel.
Even though she didn't win the gold medal,
she definitely amazed the world and made Japan proud.

Joannie Rochette
A bronze medal in 2010 Vancouver Olympic Women Figure Skating.
Even though with a tragic moment in her life,
she did her best, and she probably did it for her mom.
and it certainly worked and touched the world's heart.
A very respectable person to look at.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Proud to be who I am

Kim Yuna
A gold medal in women figure skating in 2010 Vancouver Olympic.
From the Republic of Korea.

I am proud of her.
I appreciate all the works she put into.
I appreciate her life.
and I am proud to be who I am because of her.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


There's a blog website called Tumblr.
It looks very creative and genuine.
But I've already started this blogspot thing.
and I like this one too.
but it's more classic than Tumblr.
So.... im debating..

Maybe I can have two blogs.
this blogspot for my thoughts,
and Tumblr for photos, links, quotes, etc.
How does that sound?

I think it sounds good.

Love Rules

If Love really could rule it all,
if Love really could conquer all the things
that make you frown rather than smile,
that will be nice.
That will be something God has wanted from us for a Long time...
Why is it that we cry out to God to give us material needs
but we never satisfy the simple rule God requires us to do?

Even if we are aware of need to love,
if we don't take action,
what good is it?
We are now done being aware.
It's time for us to Move. Take Action.
Even though it seems and sounds hard,
if you just start it by a simple desire from the heart to love,
everything gets easier.
The world gets warmer, brighter, and simpler.
and isn't that what we all want?

P.S. : i know the picture has more of a romantic love concept
between a guy and a girl.
But oh well... :)


People come and go.
They come and make connections.
Sometimes, very deep and intimate relationships.
and you feel like they will never leave you.
But they do leave you.
and that's what people do: leave.
Constantly moving and transitioning....
It's almost like people just came to the earth for a visit.
A visit that seems like forever but actually is not long at all.

Some people, when they leave, leave remarks on others.
Remarks that are either Good or Bad.
Remarks that are either Warm or Cold, Brutal.
Some people, on the other hand, just leave.
Without any remarks, footprints, or any sound at all.
as if they never existed.

I don't really know where I am going.
But this post is for my very dear friend HBR.
Haley, I am so sorry to hear that your dear grandmother passed away.
But she certainly made Warm and Good remarks on you.
and even though she won't be physically here on the earth,
she will always be in your heart.
I will be praying for you and your family as you guys go through hard times.

2:30 a.m.

It's 2:30 in the morning right now.
What the heck am I doing?
I am trying to study for my psycology test!
and then I have to write a paper for bible!
Yay, go figure!
Psh. :(
I don't really know what I am tryng to write on this post.
but I just kinda felt this urge to write a new post at 2:30 a.m.
Fresh Urge...
I like Urge. It sounds so wild. haha
The picture above is my photgraphy assignment.
I think it turned out better I expected, which I am very happy about.
I wish I were a good photographer.
because I love photography.
Why am I not good at things I love?
Life is not fair..
God is not fair.
So I should suck it up.
Tomorrow will be an interesting day.
I will be crashed right after my psychology test...
and I am worried about the day after tomorrow.
which is the day I am going to a dinner theatre in LR, AR.
I hope I don't fall asleep.
I really better not.....

Hillsong United is having April tour 2010 in the United States.
They are going to places they haven't been to.
So they are going to Chicago, Texas, even Missouri!
but Not Arkansas...
how sucky is that?
When will I ever see them?
when? when? when?
can someone tell me?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Burst Out

Look at yourself.
You're just a mess.
You convince yourself
that you're just fine.
But you suppress everything,
and now you're about to
Burst out,
burst out,
burst out.

You seprate yourself
from the world,
and then pity yourself
that you're alone.
Oh, oh, I don't feel empathy
because you can't even
Burst out,
burst out,
burst out.

So just live on.
When the world makes you cry,
move on.
So just live on.
Because you're better than that.
better than that.
But if you can't stand it anymore,
then guess what,
Burst Out.



It takes such beautiful pictures with beautiful colors.
I want it so bad!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jin Won

Jin (Hye-jin) Won

Born in South Korea in 5/16/1991
Raised as an only child

ENFP (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception)
Loves God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit
at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas
majoring in psycholoy and minoring in marketing

to be an industrial psychologist who helps find purpose and meaning behind work

Music (Piano)

Hillsong United
Coffee Americano
Delta Gamma Rho

Loves sunshine. Feels as if God's face is shining upon me
Free bird

Full of Dreams and Passion

Eva Emily Christopher

Eva Emily Christopher

My compassion child from Tanzania, Africa.
Five year old.
Lives with mom and dad who don't have secure jobs.
Lives in a HIV/AIDS risk area.

Please keep her and her family in prayers.


I don't know why I just came up with it.
Well, I've thought about humanit a lot.
and I just really liked the painting, so wanted to post it. :)

I wanna ask a question:
Love rules.
Can't we just all get along with love?
 I think I have to ask myself first though....  


What a great thing art thou.
Just a random thought that came up on my head this time at night.
Actually.. random memory, I should say.
When I was young, I wanted to be a pianist.
I wanted to major in piano.
But things didn't work out and now I'm a psychology major just like my parents.
No offense against the fact that my parents are also psychologists.
I, as a matter of fact, kinda like it.
It feels traditional and generational. (and I guess it is...)
and between the dream of pianist and the dream of psychologist,
I had millions of other dreams..
Dreams chage.
They come and go.
They come back but leave again.
I don't really know the point of this post, but just wanted to kinda talk about it.

I don't think anyone reads my blog,
so I don't think anyone will answer this question,
but I'm going to ask anyway:
What are your dreams?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Conclusion for 2/21's night

I made a conclusion for tonight to wrap up the big inner discussion.
Actually, this conclusion has been said to me before.
It is from God.
He said:
I love you like no other. Please don't go astray.
You may feel insecure and scared,
but I am always with you to protect you.
I am just getting you ready for your ultimate mission
I have planned for you a long time ago.
So don't be in such hurry.
Just follow my schedules and you will be all right.
The world you are in right now is not the end of your journey.
It hasn't even begun, as a matter of fact.
Keep it pure and holy, because I am pure and holy.
Nothing's too complicated if you follow my will.
Keep it simple, because I have already made it simple for you.
He spoke to me when I was in despair.
He picked me up when I was down on the floor breaking down.
He gently embraced when I was cold and lonely.
How stupid of me to forget over and over.
I am sorry.
So that is my conclusion for tonight.
Good night.

Travel? Escape?

I want to go out. To the bigger world.
I want to travel around and see the world.
People say they find themselves during travel.
People say they learn about life during travel.
and I want that, too.
I want to go to Haiti to help.
I want to go to Tanzania to meet Eva.
I want to go to Australia to encounter kangaroos.
(Not really, I want to go to Australia to go to Hillsong church)
I want to go to France..... just because.. haha
I want to go to Greece to see the beautiful view of Santorini.
I want to go to seas and mountains.
I really do..
but I feel like I feel this surge to travel so bad
because I want to escape.
Escape from this big confusion of life.
Escape from this big crazy mess.

Take a deep breath...

I'd like to think that it's just all part of life.
I'd like to be told that it's just all part of mental growth.
and I don't think no one but me is going thru all this crap.
But it seems like people know better how to just overlook it
and just live on and have fun in their lives.
and me?
I just don't know and am clueless about everything.
When have I become this messed up?
I thought I knew and figured somet things out.
But it rather seems like I entangled everything in my head
and now it's just unsolvable.
What went wrong?
Looking at every areas of my life,
everything seems just fine.
My family's well, I have friends, and I do my best in classes.
But there's just something in myself that is not satisfied.
It is very thirsty, hungry, and desparate.
I just feel very negative about many things because of the emptiness in my heart.
and Yes, it does sound like it's spiritual thing.
But evaluating myself, I've been talking to God as much as possible.
I don't know, maybe I'm just convincing myself.
I'm missing something for sure.
It may be just one of those bad days that everyone has about once a week.
But it seems like it's a menstrual cycle to me.
This emotional tsunami comes around every three weeks.
and the degree seems way higher than mood swings from period.
Is everyone having the same tsunami cycle as me?
My parents are my best friends.
and they are counselors so I talk to them about many things.
and when I talked to them about this whole thing,
they just said I have way too high expectations on my life that will frustrate me.
and yeah.... that is true.
I expect too much out of people for the most of the time,
and I expect too much out of myself.
and honestly, everything that I think and hear seems to be true.
but none of them seems definite.
I feel like there's something else that is THE reason.
and yes, God understands me perfectly like no one on the earth ever does.
Yes.. he does..
Why does the truth get to my head but not to my heart?
Yeah, that is kinda problem.
I know things, but I can't bury them in my heart.
I don't know.
Alright, I've done enough blogging about my teenager life confusion.
Now I need to talk to God.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Real People

I have been asking this question for a long time:
Who are the Real People?
Where are the Real People?

Honestly, I do not know.
To look at a bright side, everyone is real,
but not everyone realizes that and tries to be someone else.
But when they are not being themselves,
it is very hard to treat them sincerely.

But I feel like I also have to ask myself this question:
Am I being Real?

I don't know why I put so much emphasis on 'being real'.
But it really feels important to me.
Real. All about Heart.
Haha. :)

I would like to Welcome some Real People
who would accept me in Real way.
Since I am a foreigner/alien here in US,
it is not hard at all to find someone who does not accept
or treat me sincerely.
and it Hurts when I see someone being just prejudiced
and wearing colored glasses on blinding themselves.
It hurts...

and I can't imagine how hurt Jesus was
when he was betrayed.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I fell in love with blogging...
It's just really fun, and since I don't publicize it, it really is MY blog.
If someone finds this blog randomly, let it be the chance from heaven to make friendship.

I love writing my thoughts out.
It really helps my confusion of things-I think TOO much and get all lost in my thought maze.
I love putting the pictures that relate to my thought or really touch my heart.
Just like the picture of the Effel tower above, I love France for some reason I don't know exactly.
I love the languge. I think it is very beautiful and attractive.
(Of course, a hard language, it is. I'm taking French class next year.)

But anyway,
being able to express myself somewhere I feel free to express,
isn't that real freedom?
Freedom doesn't necessarily mean we have to be released physically without any rules.
Freedom becomes freedom when we free ourselves from the shackles we put on ourselves
and let our wings spread out and reach out to the bigger side of the world.
It doesn't matter if others give me credit for being some cool person.
It really is just about mindset. about heart.
I am not sure if I can say everything, but so many things are actually about HEART.
It is incredible how we can control our minds
and change the world we are in 180 degrees around.
Crazy, huh?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I lost my point again.
But anyway, since God sent his one and only son to this world to forgive our sins,
we are FREE.
and we need to realize that.





I am 18 going on 19 in about three months.
So yeah, I am still young and have a long way to go for my life.
I am confused.
But I guess that's all a part of my life and growth.
Yeah, I'd like to think so.
I hope I don't get lost and astray.
I am going to hold onto God as tight as possible so that I don't lose him.

I don't know what I'm trying to say.
But..... I'm going through the adolescence stage by Piaget-identity vs. role confusion
Well, but it's not really a confusion of my identity and role.
I mean, I know who I am and what I'm supposed to do.
I just don't know what's important and what I really should focus on.
and I also would like to know how to balance thigns in my life.
I don't know.
I guess I need to talk to God and ask him.
But I feel like he is going to be tired of me for asking him everyday.
Haha. what can I say.
I am just a confused teenager yet.

So I guess my very central question is:
What is important?
Where is the purpose?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


When I see and feel the sun,
I see and feel you, God.
I smile at the sun thinking that I smile at you.
You are everywhere just like the sun.
I can't describe it with a few words.
It's undescribable unless actually experienced.
Your love shines everywhere, Lord.
It's just not seen to some people's eyes
because they are looking towards the darkness.
Lord, use me to turn their eyes around
and let them see and feel your love.


Greatest feeling of all.
Originated from God from the beginning,
even before the beginning we can ever imagine.
It's everywhere.
It's with God, others, and ourselves.
Makes me smile whenever I think of the word love.

But it is really weird how Love can really sway people around.
It lifts them up so much that it gives people strength to do extraordinary things.
But it also brings them down so much that they just don't feel worthy in anything
and dissociate themselves from this world.
Well, I guess it's not really Love's fault.
It's because that we as humans put the concept of love on wrong things.
We Love this, we Love that.
We Hate this, we Hate that.
So love is just so easily used and easily turned into hate.
Now Love is just like any other words and lost its significance.
How sad.

Maybe we should really think a little deeper
and know how significant certain things are in our lives
and how we need to take a good care of them
and not just abuse them and make them worthless.
Words have such great power that we can make something as heaven or hell.

Love is much greater than we treat it.
Love is much more important than we think of it.
Love is much more pure than we can ever be.
Love is much more Christlike than we can ever imagine.

I am still trying to figure out.
I probably won't figure out and know what love is like God does.
Because God is the PERFECT example of love.
But hopefully he will teach bit by bit everyday.


I am really BAD with faces.
I have to meet at least about three times to remember who they are.
I want to make friends.
I want to broaden my network.
But I just can't remember them.
Those whom I met, they look familiar
but I doubt myself.
And those whom I haven't even met,
they look like the ones I know.
But I doubt myself and don't wanna embarrass myself so I just don't say hi.
I don't know.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No time? Really?

Pew! I have been just so BUSY with school.
I had tests every much everyday this week.
I had so much readings to do and quizzes.
I did not have time to watch anything or do anything as an enjoyment.
I have been going to bed at one or two everyday this week.

So.... I haven't had time to spend with God.
Hmmm... Yeah..
So.. am I EXCUSED?
I mean, I went to the prayer room and prayed for a while and stuff.
So I guess that can be considered as spending time with God.
But I feel like just praying is not enough.
I have to feed myself with God's words when I feed God with my words.
Prayer is absolutely powerful and significant in every areas.
But reading bible and soaking myself up with his love, mercy, and grace is absolute too.
So... even though I make excuses for not reading his word like having no time because of school,
Will that really be excuses to God?
Will he say "Alrighty. You have all the time for the textbooks but not for me.
and the paper books are more important than me. So it's alright you build relationship with the books but not with me"?
Will I ever be excused?
I stay up til two to get done with my homework.
Will I stay up til two to read God's words? Will I?
Isn't it some escape we as humans created to rationalize ourselves?
There's no excuses.
Even if there are, the result won't be different.
So why not quit trying to explain and be excused,
but start making changes?
I'm a blog starter yet.
and I'm not too good at expressing my thoughts out.
Because I still doubt myself.
So I'm probably just kind of babbling.
But hopefully, I will get better. :)
Let's stop making ourselves look okay.
Because if we make choices that are not okay, we are not okay no matter what excuses we make.
We should cry out for God's love and mercy instead of homework and grades.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Blog Start.
Let's do it.

Why did I make a blog?
What am I going to do on this blog?
I do not know well.
But I just felt this urge to make a blog at 12:30 at night.
and I did.

But the way I wanna make this blog is
Since the blog title is Cry Out,
I want this blog to be some sort of
expression of the very inner heart.

I don't know.
We will see.
Peace Out.